Page 49 - Kyalami issue 4 2021
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                                                                                          TODAY'S CHILD

                                                                                        Why do adults

                                                                                        ask kids what

                                                                                        they want to

                                                                                        do when they

                                                                                        grow up?

                                                                                        To get ideas!

                    A LETTER TO HIGH

                 SCHOOL STUDENTS

                                            BY MICHELLE L. RAYMOND

                  hat you choose in terms   thinking towards something that can   Are you aware of the opportunities that
                  of your school subjects,   serve you better now and in the future.  lie before you?
                  the university or college
       Wyou will attend, and your           Here are four things to consider as you   Many adults are unaware of these
        career will not define the rest of your   move into the next season of your life.  things, yet, some are running
        life. And if you think it does, then                                    companies whose staff are at the
        perhaps you need some guidance      KNOW THYSELF                        mercy of their blind spots.
        because who you are as a person, how   The pressure and requirements for
        you choose to respond to situations   choosing a career path during your   Self-awareness is the secret ingredient
        in life, and how you treat others is far   high school years are enormous and –   to knowing what your purpose is.
        more important than any job title or   quite frankly – absurd. Unless you have
        profession.                         been mentored and groomed for the   LEADERSHIP
                                            road ahead, choices are often made   Leadership is a big theme in school,
        I can count on one hand the number of  from limited exposure to the world and   particularly as you draw closer to
        people I know that after school knew   only partial knowledge – knowledge of   Matric and titles become prioritised:
        what they wanted to do and are still   self, that is. Do you (as a 16 or 18-year-  Head Boy, Head Girl, Prefect, Student
        doing it – and are happy.           old) know who you are, or where your   Representative Council, etc.
                                            strengths lie and how to use them to
        Instead of stressing about having a 10-  your advantage? Do you know your   There is so much information about
        year plan, or having no plan, shift your   areas of development and your gifts?   what leadership is, and yet it is still

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