Page 6 - Kyalami issue 3 2022
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 Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible  Design                                                                                                         23

         A GREATER
 3.0  Invoice Template
         SENSE OF




              he last three months have
              certainly been eventful since the
        Tdistribution of our last Kyalami
         Connect magazine at the end of May.
         Whilst we have re-distributed Issue 2   Solanum mauritianum
         of the magazine, including a brief   INVOICE
         introduction to each of our Board of   and the environment. The unripe berries  Residents are urged to remove
         Directors of the KEHOA 2022/2023,   are poisonous and handling the plants   all invasive plant species from
         we thought it would be worthwhile to   Entity: Kyalami Estates          your gardens. The KEHOA, along
                                             can cause irritation and nausea. The
         include the article again in this edition,   dust-like fine hairs fr    with the Environmental team, will
                                    Entity VAT No: 2018/031605/07om the plant can
         for those who missed reading more   Entity Reg No:                      continue to monitor and manage
                                             cause irritation to the throat, nose,
         about them.                   Invoice Date: xx May 2019                 the common areas, parks, dams
                                             eyes and skin. Small plants may
                                             be hand-pulled but mature plants    and forests.
         We once again would like to thank each   will re-sprout if they are cut down.
         and every member for their willingness   Solanum mauritianum is easily killed   Should you require any assistance
                                              Bill to:
         to serve on the Board, and assure them   with herbicides applied as foliar, basal   or information about invasive
         of the continued support of the KEHOA   bark (painting herbicide onto the bark) or   species in your garden, you are most
         Team at all times.                  cut stump applications. When using any   welcome to contact
                                                           Tax Invoice No: xxxxx xxxxx
                   Attention:xxxxx xxxxx     herbicide always read the label first and
         ENVIRONMENTAL                                    Recipient VAT No: xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
         With the arrival of spring, the Life Team   follow all instructions and safety advice.  We will gladly assist you.
                                                             PO Number: xxxxx xxxxx
                     Xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
         has been hard at work ensuring that
         our gardens, parks and common areas         Adding nutrients back into the environment – Bokashi system
         remain beautifully manicured and cared
         for. Work continues on both the Stream   The Bokashi programme was initiated in the estate some years back. For
                                             anyone who has not yet joined the drive to reduce the amount of refuse sent to
         and Forest area projects.        Your Reference:            Tax Reference:
                                             landfill through the recycling of your kitchen waste, we encourage you to do so
                 Kyalami Estates           Kyalami Estates            Kyalami Estates
                                             by joining this programme.
         Invasive Species
         Our campaign against invasive species   Bokashi is a probiotic-
         continues unabated and we have here   infused bran packed with
         another culprit that you need to look out   essential microorganisms.
         for and eradicate from your gardens.   It is used to ferment all
         This is the Schedule 1 invasive plant,   Unit Price         Tax Reference:
                                             your food waste (including
                Xxxxx       xxxxxxxxx
         Solanum mauritianum, more commonly   raw and cooked food,      R000 0000
                                             R000 0000
                Xxxxx        xxxxxxx
         known as earleaf nightshade, woolly   R000 00000               R000 0000
                                             bones, tea bags etc.)
         nightshade, flannel weed, bugweed, and   quickly into a valuable
         kerosene plant. This small tree or shrub   soil enhancer. The
         grows to between 2m and 4m high     product is layered with
         (but can grow up to 10m in the right   food waste in an airtight
                                      Sub Total: R000 000.00
         conditions). It produces slightly scented   container (digester/
                                      VAT 15%: R000 000.00
         purple single flowers with a yellow   Total: R000 000.00
                                             large bucket), which
         centre and often flowers year-round,   promotes decomposition
         although fruiting occurs in late spring to   through fermentation in the
         early summer.               Account Name: Kyalami Estates
                                             absence of oxygen.
                                           Bank: Investec
         Solanum mauritianum has been   Account: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                             Bokashi collections are
         included in the Global Invasive Species   done on a Monday and any
                                        Account Type: Current
         Database (GISD 2006). It has been   Branch Code: xxxxxx
                                             Resident who is interested
         listed as a noxious weed in South   in participating in this
         Africa, a prohibited plant that must be   initiative is welcome to
         controlled as it serves no economic   Estate Office & Administration
                                  Tel: (011) 468 3001/2  |  Fax: (011) 468 1246
         purpose and possess characteristics
         that are harmful to humans, animals   for more information.
                                      PO Box 50, Kyalami Estates 1684
   4 4 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 3 • 2022
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