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         FAST HEROES 2023


           Building on the success of its 2022 pilot campaign in
           the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces, the award-
           winning  health  education  initiative,  FAST  Heroes,  is
           gearing  up  for  its  next  campaign,  inviting  primary
           schools nationwide to register and help save lives.

               ndorsed and supported by the   and the third leading cause of disability
               World Stroke Organisation,   worldwide. Unfortunately, many stroke
               FAST Heroes has an important   victims don’t receive timely medical care
        Emission: to enlist a million       due to a lack of awareness about the key
         young heroes who will play a crucial   signs. Children hold the power to change
         role in safeguarding their grandparents   this by educating their families,” says
         from the potential impact of a stroke.   Professor Naidoo, CEO of the Heart and
         Designed for primary school children   Stroke Foundation South Africa.
         aged five to nine years, the campaign
         aims to equip them with the ability   Embracing their inherent passion for
         to recognise stroke symptoms and   learning and sharing, children are en-
         understand the urgency of immediate   couraged to become health advocates
         action – to call an ambulance.     and “super heroes” within their families,   reflecting the symptoms of a stroke and
                                            particularly with their  grandparents. The   the urgency of getting prompt medical
                                            primary focus is on empowering them   attention.
         Through a five week curriculum, facilitat-  to educate their families, particularly
         ed by teachers and involving weekly ac-  their grandparents, about the signs of   During the pilot program in 2022, Nina
         tivities and reinforcement, children learn   a stroke and the importance of quickly   Ras from Brackenfell Primary School in
         and internalise the signs of a stroke   calling an ambulance.         the Western Cape, was a finalist for the
         and the steps to take during a stroke                                 Teacher’s Award. She received recog-
          emergency. The educational resources   The campaign introduces children to the   nition as South Africa’s Teacher of the
            within the FAST Heroes program are   three most prevalent stroke symptoms   Year for her unwavering dedication to the
             designed to captivate young minds.   through the engaging analogy of “the evil   campaign. With Nina’s guidance, over
              They are interactive, engaging and   clot” striking. Guided by a cast of ani-  500 learners participated in the FAST
               fun. Beyond imparting life-saving   mated characters including retired super   Heroes initiative.
                skills, the program also nurtures   hero grandparents and their grandchil-
                values such as empathy and   dren - Timmy and Tanya - children be-  Nina shared her insights about the
                compassion.                 come adept at identifying the three key   program: “Being part of the FAST Heroes
                                            signs of a stroke: facial drooping, arm   campaign has been a rewarding expe-
                “Statistics show that stroke is a   weakness and speech impairment. The   rience. Witnessing the enthusiasm and
                serious concern in South Africa   characters emphasise the importance of   dedication of our young learners as
                and globally, ranking as the   promptly calling an ambulance. This vital   they become agents of change is truly
                 second leading cause of death   process gave rise to the acronym FAST,   inspiring.”

   14  Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 4 • 2023
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