Page 34 - Kyalami Estates Issue 1 February 2024
P. 34
Kyalami Estates Corporate Brand Bible Design 26
3.0 Folder (Inner)
Scabiosa africana Scabiosa culumbaria
Bees are attracted to purple flowers Scadoxus puniceus Arum lily
If you’re looking to start a hive, SUGGESTIONS: -Kei Delosperma (succulent
contribute to one, support South Africa’s -Acacia species, particularly Sweet groundcover)
food chain or add to your garden’s -Thorn (tree) -Delosperma versicolor (succulent
wildlife, planting blooms for bees is -Buchu groundcover)
an essential service and part of the -Aloe species, especially Bitter Aloe -Hairy Dew Flower (succulent)
beehive process. After all, one in every (large succulent) -Wild Rosemary (shrub)
three mouthfuls of food is due to bee -Pink Mallow -Blue Honeybell Bush (shrub)
crop pollination. -White Pear (tree) -Trailing Gazania (groundcover)
-False Olive (tree / large shrub) -Tree Fuschia
Research suggests that bees prefer -Sagewood (tree / large shrub) -Blue Justicia (shrub)
blue, purple and yellow flowers. However, -Broad-leaved Bulbine (succulent -Feather Touch-Me-Not (shrub)
-Blue Water Lily (water plant)
there are exceptions such as orange perennial) -September Bells (tree)
-Stalked Bulbine (succulent perennial)
Aloe flowers and the white flowers -River Bushwillow (tree) -Cape Scabious (perennial
of the White Pear. Bees also tend to -Forest Bushwillow (tree) groundcover)
favour flowers that stand out from their -Campfire Crassula (succulent -Wild Scabious (perennial groundcover)
surroundings, are planted in blocks of perennial) -Succulent Bush Senecio (succulent
colour, or are available in a large group. -Crassula Morgan’s Beauty (succulent shrub)
This means that they can harvest more perennial) -Ginger Bush / Misty Plume Bush
pollen and nectar without using up too -Fairy Crassula (succulent perennial) (shrub)
much energy searching for flowers. It’s
important that the hard-working honey If you would like to home bees in your making them unlikely to be aggressive
bees reserve enough energy to get back backyard, you are legally permitted or sting. These bees like their own
to the hive. Always have a freshwater to have a bee hotel, which you can home amongst neighbours and are
source nearby and plant the following, purchase from your GCA Garden Centre still extremely important and efficient
according to your region and growing or build yourself. These structures pollinators in our agricultural, natural
season. (Ask your local garden centre home the solitary bee – one of 1300 and urban landscapes.
for advice on which plants to grow where species found in South Africa. They do
and when). not produce honey or have a queen, Text and photos supplied by Life is a Garden
22 DPL issue 10 2022
32 Kyalami Estates • CONNECT • Issue 1 • 2024