Page 40 - Kyalami Issue 1 2025
P. 40
Y O U R S E A R C H E N D S H E R E !
“Highly recommended!
REVIEWS CLIENTS ARE If I could give more than five stars, I
THROWING LAURA’S WAY! absolutely would! Laura Lattanzio-Joubert
from O-YES Properties is nothing short of
exceptional. She is the epitome of
professionalism, yet her genuine kindness
“This was an absolute 5 star service from the and dedication set her apart. Laura is
agent Laura Lattanzio-Joubert. From pricing always available and quick to provide
the property and every step thereafter I invaluable insights. What sets her apart is the
found a complete professional and personal touch. She listens, understands your
pleasant service constantly keeping me needs, and goes above and beyond to
updated and for anyone requiring an ensure you find the perfect property. I
estate agent in Kyalami Estates I totally wholeheartedly recommend Laura to
recommend her.” anyone looking in Kyalami Estates and
-Simon surrounds. She is hands down the realtor you
want at your side. Highly recommended!”
“We recently had the pleasure of working
with Laura from O-YES Properties to sell our
house and find a new one. From start to
finish, Laura made the entire process “Exceptional service
seamless and stress-free. She was incredibly I received the most exceptional service from
informative, providing us with all the details Laura Lattanzio-Joubert during my 13 month
we needed to make informed decisions, search for a new home. She was always
and she was always transparent about accommodating, courteous, and generous
every step of the process. Laura's friendly with her time and patience. Her insights into
and helpful demeanor made it easy to the Kyalami Estates is a game changer for
communicate with her, and we always felt anyone looking for a property in the area.”
that she had our best interests at heart. She -Gerald
was proactive in finding us a suitable new
home and went above and beyond to
ensure that everything went smoothly. We
highly recommend Laura's services to
anyone looking to buy or sell a home. Her
expertise, professionalism, and warm
approach made all the difference for us!”
African Excellence
Rated #1 Real Estate Best Residential & L A U R A L A T T A N Z I O - J O U B E R T
Company on Commercial Property Agency
HelloPeter - Gauteng (2023 & 2024)
0 8 4 4 1 4 3 8 1 4 l a u r a @ o - y e s . c o . z a
Kyalami Estates Area Expert Since 2001