Page 11 - Landscape SA 100
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‘Healthy plants start with healthy Plants need healthy soil… and soil
soil’ but what exactly does this needs healthy plants
Without plants, the earth (and our soils)
Soil is a living eco-system teeming with life would be barren, unprotected from
and activity. Healthy soil includes micro- the sun, wind, and rain, resulting in soil
organisms, fungi and bacteria (billions in composition too poor to sustain life.
a single teaspoon!), protozoa, arthropods Plants provide shade and soil cover;
and more, which are a food source for plant roots aerate the soil, building soil
insects, earthworms and ultimately small structure which helps prevent soil erosion.
mammals and birds. Through each of these When plants die, their decomposition
life cycles, soil nutrients are consumed, contributes to the cycle, building nutrient-
excreted and released in different forms. rich humus.
Soil anchors plants, providing water Researchers have also recently discovered Carbon ‘adds life’ to the soil. In gardening,
and nutrients. Plant growth is largely that living plants secrete excess good quality compost is regarded as the
solution to every soil ailment, with good
dependent on the mineral nutrition carbohydrates through their roots to reason. (Compost (noun) - decayed organic
available in the soil. As gardeners, we encourage growth of microbes. In short it material used as a fertiliser for growing
understand the nutrition to be largely N is a mutually beneficial relationship!
(nitrogen), P (phosphorous), K (potassium) plants).
and micro-elements. The exact ‘chemistry’ Carbon and soil – the soil carbon Organic matter is essentially carbon, which
taking place in the soil can get technical, sponge will over time slowly regenerate the soil
but it’s important to understand that eco-system. Healthy plants capture carbon
not all the nutrients in the soil are plant Without carbon, soil is just sand and
available. A healthy, living soil facilitates dirt. Plant nutrients are trapped inside and feed it to the soil. Again, a mutually
the constant breakdown and release of the lifeless particles and completely beneficial relationship.
inaccessible, furthermore they repel
minerals, ensuring a constant supply of
ROOT HEALTH PROGRAMME plant available nutrition. rainwater which runs off the surface and Healthy Soil and Plants with EcoBuz
is lost.
The EcoBuz product range starts with
Plant nutrition begins with healthy soil – a living ecosystem on which we all depend. Planting (usually) healthy soil.
only occurs once… Ensure that you give each plant the best possible chance of success, by enriching the Humi Gro is a carbon-based ‘soil food’ which
soil and supplying the nutrients required to trigger growth. facilitates and promotes the soil eco-system.
HumiGro is the foundation product in the
SOIL FOOD EARLY GROWTH NUTRITION BENEFICIAL FUNGI EcoBuz root health program, an easy three
product combo recommended for use with
all new plantings and at transplanting.
• HumiGro, a carbon-based soil food to
promote soil health.
• StartGro, a micronutrient blend to
enhance early plant growth.
• Root Pro, a beneficial fungus which
encourages root growth and protects
against root diseases.
Did you know:
HumiGro, StartGro & Root Pro can be combined and applied together at planting. Drench, plant and water in. Healthy soils are better equipped to absorb nutrients. When applying fertilisers, your
nutrient uptake will be maximised and are
less likely to be leached. LSA
Landscape SA • Issue 100 2021 9