Page 21 - Landscape SA 100
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                                   A water element in Ballito, KZN; its raised concrete rill allows interaction
                                                   within a retail environment

             grandchildren is common with blue   every year we become more unhealthy,   our most important human psychological
             zone centenarians;               heavy, stressed and lonely.”      asset. Nature as a health currency for
           •  right tribe – the world’s longest living                          human happiness needs to be respected
             people have close friends and strong   We as landscape architects need to consider   and protected, and as landscape architects
             social networks.                 how project design can stimulate sustainable,   we should continue to champion this,
           How can the knowledge gained from this   healthy  communities,  connected  and  thereby helping to form the narrative on
           research assist landscape architects and   integrated with nature, in its most natural   nature".
           other designers? Is there an elixir that can   form. More pathways, more cycle tracks, more
           be applied to our design realm? It has been   community food gardens, more indigenous   In summary, and following on from the
           proven in the  “Danish  Twin Study” that   parks, more community forums, more   nine principles above, science has proven
           genetics dictates only 20% of longevity.   connection and easy access to real nature.  that happiness can be found very simply
           Lifestyle and environment account for the                            by following five practices: being grateful,
           rest, yet our built environment today does not   Through conscious designing for humans,   meditating, exercising, connecting with
           always encourage the nine principles above.  the built environment can change the way   people and having a sense of purpose.
                                              communities live, work, move, connect,   So in the near future I hope you get to
           “We spend so much of our daily lives in   eat, interact with nature, learn and play,   experience meditation, exercise, grow
           our cars commuting to work, stores, the   whilst still protecting, enhancing and   your own vegetables, meet your friends,
           gym, and this only increases stress, leaving   rehabilitating nature.  have fun and give quiet thanks to the
           little  time for  cooking healthy meals,                             wonder of nature.           LSA
           socialising with family and friends, and   “Nature doesn’t need us, we need
           getting involved with volunteer work. We   nature!”
           have mod cons so that we don’t have to                                References: Harvard Design
           lift a finger and every store and restaurant   In June 2018,  The US advisor on climate   Magazine, National Geograph-
           is filled with easy, unhealthy choices. So   change, James Gustave Speth, said:  “It’s   ic, World Economic Forum.

                                                                                    Landscape SA • Issue 100 2021      19
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