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                        Peter Muswere                 Ronnie Cousins                  Johan Knell

           of the key contributors in elevating golf   epidemiological research to manage   Johan Knell and Peter Muswere –
           course and sports field turf maintenance.   turfgrass diseases;      Education and Environmental and Water
                                              •   Dr.  Ali  Harivandi,  Ph.D.,  an  Affairs Co-Ordinators
           Current membership, recruitment       environmental    horticulturist  Johan and Peter plan, organise, evaluate,
           and annual subscription structure     specialising in turf, soil and water   coordinate and manage all fields of
                                                 issues;                        education,  educational  programs,
           Membership                         •   Bruce Williams, a veteran in his field   seminars, brochures and booklets for
           The annual joining fees are: turfgrass   and  a respected superintendent  in   the  association  under  the  supervision
           manager R2500.00 per year, assistant   the USA; and                  of the  TGMA Gauteng committee.  The
           R1500.00 per year. The trade membership   •   Paul Jacobs, a USGA agronomist.   portfolio includes working with the
           is R 5000.00 per year, which is for two                              association’s educational partners and
           people - one main member and a guest.   Our seminars are held over two days and   associate members.  The environment
                                              have been successfully attended  by the   portfolio assists the TGMA committee and
           To  accommodate  all  membership   industry as a whole, covering a variety   members  to take  their   environmental
           categories,  we  have  implemented  of topics. We endeavor to gain access to   responsibilities seriously, and bring to
           payment terms instead of once-off    all the new research and development   light issues that the committee may not be
           subscription payments in order  to assist   undertaken in the USA. Our attendees   aware of.
           during the trying times we are currently   also acknowledge, in some instances, that
           facing.                            they have been reminded of what they   Ronnie Cousins – Trade Liaison and Fund-
                                              have forgotten! This is our benchmark of   Raising Organiser
           The current membership consists of   success - knowing that we have offered a   The trade liaison co-ordinator represents
           just over 100 members from sporting   solution and results for our members and   the association when dealing with all
           establishments, education partners and   attendees.                  trade members and non-members under
           the trade.                                                           the  supervision  of the  TGMA Gauteng
                                              Committee members and             committee.
           Membership recruitment post-Covid saw   portfolios
           us  undertaking  membership  drives  and                             Belinda Ronald – Administrator
           one-on one meetings with the turfgrass   Henk Buitendach – Chairman   Belinda administrates and coordinates all
           managers at various establishments. Since   Henk ensures that the  TGMA Gauteng   of the above under the committee.  LSA
           March 2020 we have had to rely on word   committee functions properly, that there
           of mouth and our close network within   is full participation during  meetings, that
           the industry to build our momentum for   all relevant matters are discussed and that
           membership.                        effective decisions are made and carried
                                              Norman Steingold – Treasurer
           The TGMA has hosted numerous seminars   Norman has a watchdog role over all aspects
           with  speakers  including  professors,  of financial management of the association,
           doctors and key industry people from USA   working closely with other members of
           universities and the GCSSA. These guests   the  TGMA committee  to safeguard  the
           have imparted a wealth of international   association's financial position.
           knowledge and expertise. Some of them
           include:                           Sharon  Holton –  Social Media and
           •   Dr.  Brandon  Horvath,  a  turf  Marketing
               pathologist who  earned  his Ph.D.   Sharon works hand in hand with
               in turfgrass science from Michigan   administrator Belinda Ronald with regard
               State  University.  His  research  to the planning, arranging, marketing and
               interests include the epidemiology   coordinating of social functions and events   Information and photos supplied
               of turfgrass pathogens and the   for the association, under the supervision   by  Belinda  Ronald,  TGMA
               development of strategies based on   of the TGMA Gauteng committee.       administrator

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