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               he month of September celebrates   and its bright yellow flowers are striking   The goal of Heritage Month is to ensure
               three things: a new season, trees   against dark green foliage.  that South Africa becomes a socially
           Tand heritage. Spring always brings                                  integrated and cohesive society – may it
           with it a feeling of optimism and a sense of   Heritage Month is  celebrated on 24   happen soon!
           renewal; the days are getting warmer and   September every year to mark South
           longer and the gloom of winter is behind   Africa’s diverse cultural identities, and it   A new addition to this issue, and hopefully
           us. Fresh green leaves start to appear on   is appropriate that we feature an article   an ongoing one, is a business article by
           the trees, which are celebrated every year   in this issue on a new organisation called   Bert Weenink of ActionCOACH. He shares
           during National Arbor Week.        Landscape Heritage SA, founded by   his business ideas in the article  “Four
                                              landscape architect Bruce Eitzen. Like   critical  decisions  business  leaders  must
           This year’s Tree of the Year is the Vachellia   cultural diversity, landscape heritage is also   manage.”
           (Acacia) karroo, commonly known as the   very diverse and embraces aspects such as
           Sweet  Thorn, which gets its name from   mountains, wetlands, coastlines and rivers.   Welcome to spring, aptly described by
           the gum which is exuded from wounds in   It also extends to and includes traditional   George Orwell as follows: “The point is that
           the bark. In arid areas, the Sweet Thorn is   African settlements, historic urban areas,   the pleasures of spring are available to
           an indicator of underground and surface   townships, farming districts and public   everybody, and cost nothing.”
           water, and its long taproot enables it to   open spaces. For those interested in   Karyn Richards,
           use water from deep underground.  The   becoming involved with this organisation,
           tree makes a beautiful garden specimen,   Eitzen’s details are at the end of the article.  EDITOR


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           2   Landscape SA • Issue 105 2021
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