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oving on from studies at university into the workplace and there is no prescribed list of skills to be covered as each
is a daunting reality that students have to face after company or organisation works in its own way, focusing on different
Mcompleting their academic subjects at Tshwane University aspects of the green industry. Students will need to complete two
of Technology, in the Department of Horticulture. reports during their time at an organisation for submission to
the Department of Horticulture, under the guidance of the work-
Although they have an idea what Landscape Technology is about, integrated learning co-ordinator.
the theory and the practice are vastly different things. In their third
year, students have to complete a year of work-integrated learning A stipend will greatly help to pay for essentials such as transport
or practical at an organisation or company in the green industry. and accommodation. AgriSeta may assist companies to pay this,
This is a great opportunity for them to put theory into practice, and it can be applied for during the window period in September
further develop their skills and expand their knowledge. and October, for the following year.
TUT therefore calls on role players in the green industry to open Companies and organisations who would like to assist in offering
their doors and assist wherever they can. Students are expected to this working and learning experience are invited to contact Lana
become involved in as many aspects of the company as possible, Marais on 012 382 4876 or LSA
okon, Holland’s plant care leaders, • Green plants fertiliser (NPK 9:5:8 + 3 magnesium and iron increases the
have released eight new specialist MgO + 1 Fe) – with added magnesium colour intensity of flowers;
Pgranular fertilisers in easy to manage for deep green leaves, this formulation • Conifer and yew fertiliser (NPK 6:8:10
1kg boxes. Adding to their already is ideal for foliage plants in pots and in + 2MgO +1Fe) – the addition of extra
extensive range of plant care products, the garden; magnesium and iron makes for healthy
each recipe has been scientifically • Small fruit fertiliser (NPK 5:3:5 +2MgO) looking plants with deep green leaves.
formulated to ensure that plants get all – this is a natural, organic fertiliser, LSA
the nutrients they need, in the correct ideal for strawberries, gooseberries,
quantities. blackberries etc;
• Lavender and herb fertiliser (NPK 6:2:8 +
Safe for humans and pets, each formulation 2MgO) – 100% natural raw products are
slowly releases nutrients for up to 120 used in the ingredients to ensure that
days, which means that plants only need plants not only perform well, but that
feeding every four months. Because the the harvest is safe to eat;
granules are made up of enriched organic • Hydrangea fertiliser (NPK 8:4:8 +2MgO Errata –LSA Issue Number 90
fertilisers, the results will be evident in + 1Fe) – enriched with naturally
a very short space of time. Not only will occurring minerals (zeolite) and In the article entitled Conserving A
plants be in peak condition, with more organic matter, this formulation feeds Critically Endangered Ecosystem,
flowers and more vibrant foliage, they will plants and improves the soil. It is also the caption on page 27 should read
be less susceptible to diseases and attack ideal for Azaleas, Rhododendrons and as follows: Proteadal is located in
from insects. other species that thrive in acid soil. proteaveld (grassland and proteas) with
The addition of magnesium oxide and three protea species on site: (clockwise)
Pokon has been providing gardeners with iron gives the plants more intensely scattered Protea roupelliae, a stand of
quality products since 1929 with its very coloured flowers; Protea welwitschii and extensive stands
first plant food formulation P205K2ON2. • Box tree and hedge fertiliser (NPK 9:5:8 of the common Protea caffra.
Using only 100% natural, raw materials, +3MgO +1Fe) – formulated to ensure
their new organic fertilisers deliver all that box trees and hedges grow at their In the article entitled Carnivorous
the essential nutrients, macro and micro best, the added magnesium and iron Plants, the caption under the photo
elements that plants need. Imported will ensure that hedges boast healthy, on page 18 should read Venus Flytrap.
directly from Holland, the new range deep green leaves; The caption under the top right-hand
consists of: • Rose fertiliser (NPK 8:4:8 + 2MgO +1Fe) photo on page 19 should read Tropical
- this organic fertiliser delivers quick Pitcher Plant.
• Vegetable garden fertiliser (NPK 5:3:10) results as it is enriched with naturally
–contains extra potassium for strong, occurring minerals (zeolite) and organic
vigorous plants; matter (algae); the addition of extra
20 Landscape SA • Issue 91 2019