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The International Garden Centre Association (IGCA) holds
an annual congress for independent garden centre owners
annually around the world. In September it was the turn of Colour theme display
the UK, which is well known and respected as a leader in
the field of retailing in garden centres.
his year there were 234 delegates plant material, many familiar to our
from 19 countries, which added to horticulturalists on tour. Interestingly,
Tthe mix of knowledge share as well the plants are generally smaller and in
as exposure to different ways of thinking. smaller containers than what we are used
A SANA delegation attended the congress to in South Africa; however when they are
held in Windsor, which toured garden larger, they are manicured and perfect
centres in the southern parts of England. specimens.
The tour visited 11 garden centres and
included some cultural and tourist Hard landscaping is piled high, in volume
attractions alongside the formalities of a as well as selection. Everything is off the
congress. floor and in most cases also supported
by benching and POS supplied by the Dahlia display arrangements
What we saw suppliers, from containers to pebbles, to Colour themed displays were more the
garden decor. norm than the exception. Displays in
The garden centres are very different to shades of yellow, blue, red and everything
those in South Africa in that from outside, What we learnt in between tied hard landscaping to
it looks like a garden centre but on entry plant material, creating inspirational
it looks more like a traditional department Plants only account for 20 to 30% of display gardens. This works two ways –
store; gardening in most cases is relegated turnover, which is in stark contrast to it highlights plants and decor but also
to the back. The departments that are South Africa where plant material sits creates easy, inspirational displays on the
large include home ware (particularly comfortably at 50 to 60 % of turnover. floor.
kitchen ware), home décor, clothing and There are opportunities for us to broaden
books. Food courts and food departments some of our product offerings and take Final thoughts
account for almost half the trade in some away some of the seasonal pressure on
stores and it is not uncommon to see our industry. Signage is not obtrusive There was not a lot of innovation on show
restaurants with 400 plus seating. in the garden centres but easy to find. in the UK garden centres we saw. It was
From service to information boards and more of what we do, but in a different
In the garden department, indoor POP (point of purchase) boards, they way. It is possibly more retail and general
plants are still popular in the UK and are generally below eye level so one consumer-orientated than gardener-
the selection is wider, especially in the sees them easily when in a department, orientated; however the overall impression
14 to 20cm pot size range. The concept but they don’t obscure or clutter up the was most certainly professional, and for
of indoor plant of the week was seen in view. Only lifestyle or colour themed those retailers at heart, it certainly was a
most stores. banners stand out, adding to the overall tour filled with inspiration.
professional impression.
Given the UK climate, bulbs are popular The main objective of the SANA
and mostly sold loose. There are large Just as disposable perennials became delegation’s attendance was to launch the
bulb displays which are well supported fashionable over the past few years, the IGCA 2020 Congress which will be held
with props and POS (point of sale) spots next trend is disposable shrubs. They are in Johannesburg and Cape Town during
which defined the area. Dahlias are sold in smaller containers, the idea being October 2020. South Africa has hosted the
as popular as orchids here... they are that as one decorates the garden or congress twice, in 1996 and again in 2007,
already selling the idea for next summer patio, they will be used as green fillers in and it is a huge honour to be hosting for a
and we saw showrooms of displays and mixed containers. They can then be pull third time.
cut arrangements, as well as one garden out when planting up the next look. “We
centre that had an open garden field saw loads of traditional shrubs sold in Information and photos supplied by Wayne
raising funds for charity. mixed six packs – a great way to reinvent Stewart, Eckards Garden Pavilion, Bedfordview,
this department that is shrinking fast in LSA
The traditional shrub and perennial South African garden centres,” explains Gauteng.
departments are full of interesting Stewart.
Landscape SA • Issue 91 2019 7