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Soul Oasis, founded by landscape architect Donovan
Robinson, is an urban retreat in Centurion, Gauteng,
focussing on ‘spiritscapes’ – landscaping with a
metaphysical basis.
aving worked in the landscaping He went so far as to trademark a word,
industry for the past 25 years, “spiritscapes”, as a description of
Hgraduating with a Bachelor of landscaping with a metaphysical basis,
Landscape Architecture degree from UP in implemented in such a way as to increase
1995, Robinson decided he needed ‘a little the visitors’ “vibes” … literally to put them
bit of magic to re-ignite the flame’. in a better mood than when they arrived.
Metaphysics is described as “a science This is largely still experimental, but by
and philosophy concerning the deeper asking each visitor (there have been
nature of all reality. It considers what is over 2000 people who have walked the
visible, but also what is not visible, and labyrinth on the property since 2018), they
often involves what is occurring on the have all confirmed feeling uplifted and in
hidden level of reality. Metaphysics is the a better frame of mind after visiting Soul
aspect of life that allows experiences such Oasis.
as intuition, precognition, healing and
remote influence, to exist.” Landscape elements
In 2015, Robinson moved to a property in In setting the stage for activities that will
Mnandi, Centurion, a beautiful 1ha space guide visitors along their journey, the
with mountain views, and realised that he following elements have been used in
had to turn the property into something different areas of the landscape:
special to earn an income from it. Initially
it was planned as a wedding venue but in • crystals: by building rose quartz crystals A bird sculpture sits cheekily outside
one of the giant bird cages, symbolising
2008, after being asked to build a labyrinth into the foundations of the labyrinth, an freedom
for clients for their own garden wedding, area with a healing and calming energy
he became fascinated by the concept has been created. Two crystal grids on
of an area of earth being turned into a the property have been used, based on
meaningful space that could help visitors the compass points and each corner of
solve issues they were dealing with. the property.
• meditation: labyrinths are a well-known
He was introduced to David Hawkins’ tool for mindfulness and meditation,
Map of Consciousness which quantifies and the journey that the walker goes on
emotions and consciousness in a map is a very inward one.
that shows where such emotion vibrates. • chi: the flow of energy through the
“Understanding that everything in life universe is enhanced by the placement
is about energy, we begin to realise that and shape of many of the areas that
we are all vibrating at certain frequencies were developed. Robinson’s landscape
and that we can affect peoples’ vibrations philosophy has been to create many
by influencing their emotions. This can outdoor rooms that are separated by
be done using certain shapes, colours, planting beds, so as to allow for the flow
smells, and metaphysical elements such as and circulation of energy throughout
crystals, within the environment – either the property.
indoors or outdoors,” says Robinson. • incense: aromatic scent has been
used for centuries to invoke different
He adds that when we start understanding feelings within people. When used
that our human bodies do not stop at the during ceremonies, it has a marked
edge of our skin, but that we have an effect by purifying and enhancing the
energy body surrounding us that interacts surroundings.
and connects to our surroundings, we see • invoking memories: seeing, smelling,
life differently. “We then know that we are or experiencing something often
absorbing the energy of our environment invokes memories of a time in the past
and even of those people directly around and by using plants similar to those
us, through our energy centres, known as found in many gardens, visitors often
chakras.” describe what they are reminded of
View from within the labyrinth, through
the moon gate
Landscape SA • Issue 99 2021 3