Page 27 - LandscapeSA Issue 106
P. 27



           BUSINESS AROUND IN 2022

           BY BERT WEENINK

           The Covid-19 pandemic
           has affected businesses

           in many ways, making
           it even more difficult to
           run them successfully.

                uring the various levels of lockdown,
                businesses had to rethink how they
           Dwere operating in order to keep their
           doors open. They had to adapt to meet the
           changing needs of their customers whilst
           also trying to prevent customers from
           disappearing completely.

           This difficult period only served to highlight
           the three key points needed for running a
           successful business, and these are the exact
           steps I have been talking about for the past
           nine years as a business coach.

           Not putting these points in place is a
           common mistake made by many business
           owners even in normal times, but these
           are not normal times, which makes their
           impact even greater.

           Ironically, the pandemic has presented all
           business owners with an opportunity to
           address  these  shortcomings  in  order  to
           emerge from the current crisis stronger and   only about 35% of business owners having   plan: do a SWOTT analysis of your business;
           more focused.                      some kind of written business plan, and the   set clear monthly sales targets and expense
                                              remaining 65% having nothing in place.  budget.
           STEP 1: Have a business plan
           There is no doubt that 2020 and 2021 have   Of those who do have a plan, only one third   Operating without a budget puts you at a
           been some of the most difficult years for   update their plans quarterly, whilst the rest   distinct disadvantage to competitors who
           businesses of all sizes to  navigate, with   who did have a plan, never go back and look   know their costs, monitor their results, and
           many businesses struggling to survive. There   at it. This shows that of the 200 businesses I   make business changes quickly if things do
           were exceptions, however, such as those in   have sampled over the years, only about 12%   not go according to plan.
           the horticulture and home improvement   have a plan and actively work on it.
           sectors, which were able to take advantage of                         Step 2: Choose the right team
           consumers’ changing needs and habits.  Having  a  clear  business  plan  brings   One of the biggest mistakes business
                                              accountability and ownership of the results   owners make is that they micromanage their
           What generally sets the businesses that   achieved and helps business owners grow a   business for too long. Being the manager
           weathered the storm apart from those that   sustainable profitable business that can work   does not mean that you must micromanage
           did not, is that they had some kind of business   without them.       your staff. You have appointed them to help
           plan.  All  businesses  need  a  clear  road  map                     you build your dreams, not theirs.
           to follow so that they know where they are   It is all about planning for success. Taking
           going.  In  my  past  nine  years  of  coaching,  I   time to put together a business plan and   However, poor hiring decisions (and
           have seen that failure to plan often results in   including others can be some of the best   specifically when family members are
           planning to fail.                  time spent on your business.       involved) is a common problem and is often a
                                                                                 result of no formal recruitment process.
           One of the first questions I ask when running   My advice: regardless of what has happened
           workshops is  “who has a written business   in the past two years, if you want to stay in   Employing family members may seem like
           plan?”. The results are always the same, with   business you need to develop your 2022   a good idea when starting out or when

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