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View of the iconic
           switchbacks from
           the top of the pass

           deviations.  This included widening the   stained and applied to all the culvert   The road design did not conform to
           road,  the  re-alignment  of  sections  where   inlets and outlets, bridge structures and   standard road specifications as it is
           the existing road could not accommodate   protection barrier walls.   located  in a  World  Heritage  Site and
           the design curves, new bridges, stormwater                            the  EIA  required  that  the  existing  route
           culverts, the stabilisation of cut embankment   Revegetation and rehabilitation had to   alignment be followed as far  as possible.
           and slopes, and the rehabilitation of   accommodate vegetation changes due to   A very specific area was the construction
           disturbed areas within the road reserve.  altitude. This required that vegetation had   of the road though  Yellowwood Corner,
                                              to be harvested from the same general   which contained several protected plants
           Issues directing the design solution  area as  the rehabilitation. To achieve this,   including  Yellowwood trees  and smaller,
           Initially  the  local  community  was  against   plants were rescued from the construction   rare plants right at the edge of the original
           the project, especially the tour guides, as   area and housed in a nursery in Howick,   gravel road.  The new road was then
           the attraction of the pass was largely due   maintained until needed and then   designed to be narrower at this point and
           to its ruggedness. Right from the start, an   replanted on site. Several species were   the side drains were re-designed to fit
           attempt was made to interact with and   grown  on  in  the  nursery  for  later  re-use.   through the space without damaging the
           include their specific requirements by   Grass seed and sods were harvested from   vegetation. A few of the rocks had to be cut
           identifying spots along the route where   areas adjacent to the works area.   back to accommodate the new road. The
           they would usually have stopped. Lay-bys                              exposed cut rock was then stained with a
           were  introduced,  and  the  road  slightly   The  success  of  the  rehabilitation  and   product called Permeon to blend it into the
           widened to accommodate their vehicles.  revegetation was due to the combined   untouched adjacent rocks.
                                              advice of rehabilitation specialist Alex
           The weather played a large part in the   March  of  Nkosi  Nursery,  and  renowned   To compound matters, the existing narrow
           design solutions as it could vary from   botanist Elsa Pooley, an expert on the plants   road had to remain open throughout the
           freezing in winter with snow and ice, to   and vegetation of the Natal Drakensberg.  construction period to provide access to
           high temperatures and high rainfall in                                traffic, mainly 4x4  Toyota taxis ferrying
           summer. Initially the design of the concrete   Slope  stabilisation  varied  according  passengers to and from Lesotho, tour
           structures was to have been stone cladding   to  geology, which in  turn varied from   guides and general traffic.
           to match the original stone walls. However,   sandstone  to  mudstone,  basalt  and  loose
           due to the huge temperature variations,   talus slopes. This dictated whether slopes   Previously, the original road at the start of
           the stone cladding would have popped off   could  be  just  topsoiled  and  vegetated,   Section 1 cut through the historic Good
           due to uneven expansion and contraction.   first stabilised with geofabric, topsoiled   Hope  Trading Site, which for many years
           The final design was to develop shuttering   and vegetated, stabilised with gabions or   was a place to wait for transport up and
           with a stone finish mould which was then   reinforced with anchored shotcrete.  down the mountain. As part of the heritage

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