Page 15 - LandscapeSA_120_digital
P. 15
Aerial imagery timeline
showing Transect One
rehabilitation to the
D’MOSS 40m buffer, which
included extensive alien
vegetation removal and the
establishment of a coastal
grassland biome. The size
of the rehabilitation area is
approximately three hectares.
25 July 2021: D’MOSS edge with extensive alien 27 September 2021: D’MOSS edge – alien
vegetation infestation vegetation removal
25 November 2021: Evidence of wild grass seed 28 January 2022: Evidence of further seed 25 March 2022: Evidence of further seed
germination germination and establishment of sub – climax germination and establishment of the coastal
grasses grassland biome
to protect the biodiversity and associated sourced and planted in sun, shade or groups per species, density and variety) were
ecosystem services of Durban. to ensure compatibility with the naturally transported into each section by tractor and
forested areas. Sections which have now trailer, as this was the only way to negotiate
Areas rehabilitated so far been rehabilitated are all buffer areas off the the old sugar cane lands. The trees were
Rehabilitation work commenced in natural forest and have been extended into positioned and planted by following the
September 2021 and prior to the ‘on the development up to 40m before the first ways of the natural forests. Some areas
ground’ work, extensive research, EIA houses. These are mandatory buffer zones dug up were a sterile Berea red soil, some
studies and studies of surrounding forested throughout the east, north-east, south and were a more clay-type soil and others were
areas were done, recording all the species south-west boundaries. In addition, we a sandier soil. As the area was sugar cane
of flora present. For the rehabilitation have also restored and rehabilitated natural fields for many years, all soils were treated
programme, the following matters were riparian, riparian buffer and seep areas with as depleted and sterile, and large amounts
documented and recorded: the appropriate species of trees, shrubs, or organic matter and stimulants were used
• density occurrence. grasses and sedges.” when planting took place. This was done to
• interaction between species; and boost the growth and protect the trees,
• the canopy, sub-canopy and groundcovers. Vegetation removed shrubs and groundcovers.
The team then emulated these Alien invasive vegetation such as
conditions as closely as possible in order to Casuarina, Brazilian Pepper trees and others Design ethos and philosophy of
re-establish what had previously occurred were mechanically removed from the site the estate
naturally. Species planted were determined by a designated removal team working Nature is at the core of Salta Sibaya’s
by the studies carried out around existing through the allocated sections of the estate. landscape design philosophy, and the
forests and were drawn mainly from the A permanent team continues to control estate as a whole, inspiring a biophilic
Hawaan forest list. the growth of alien invasive vegetation, approach to the design and outdoor
Zandra Bowker of Florifer Installations preventing it from re-establishing. environment. This embraces the following:
explains: “The species type and number were Trees, shrubs and groundcovers (as • Nature fits form to function;
Landscape SA • Issue 120 2022 13