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A year-long collaboration between South African
ceramicist John Bauer and Vergelegen Wine Estate, a
provincial heritage site in Somerset West renowned
for its exquisite gardens, has come into bloom.
Vergelegen’s historic homestead and octagonal garden Vergelegen is famous for five enormous Camphor trees, declared national monuments, as well as a Camphor tree forest
ollowing months of preparation and five giant camphor trees (Cinnamomum rare coins, carvings, lace and organic
production, Bauer has created eight camphora) that were proclaimed national substances – and now the rich abundance
Fpanels comprising matchbox-sized, monuments in 1942. These were planted of Vergelegen’s gardens – he not only
glazed porcelain tiles. These are inspired between 1700 and 1706 by former Cape references the artisanal skills of the past but
by and created from the gardens’ flowers, governor and Vergelegen owner Willem also objects for the future.
leaves, twigs and bark. The works of art Adriaan van der Stel. He also planted a “I was thrilled to gain access to not only
are currently on display at the estate’s Café white mulberry which is still producing the botanical material at Vergelegen, but
Fleur restaurant and were a focal point at berries to this day. also the knowledge of the horticultural
the Vergelegen Garden Weekend held in The estate is also home to an International team. A plant in a garden becomes art
October 2022. Camellia Garden of Excellence (one of only when the botanist tells you about it. I just
The collaboration was proposed by Bauer 39 such gardens in the world, and the only love the plant textures and shapes, how
and after meeting the artist, Vergelegen one in Africa), rose gardens, an indigenous veins are slightly more pronounced on the
managing director Wayne Coetzer gave his fynbos garden, a sundial garden with underside of a leaf.”
support for the project. aloes and lavender, and a bamboo garden. Bauer said the first consignment of plant
The Vergelegen garden team, led by These all generated an abundant harvest material, chosen by the horticultural team,
resident horticulturist Richard Arm, made for Bauer, whose work has been exhibited pushed him to experiment and develop his
the initial selection of botanical bounty. widely both in South Africa and abroad. craft.
This collection was transported in a cooler Discussing his own expedition to
box from Somerset West to Bauer’s studio Skill and craftmanship Vergelegen to make his personal choice
at Montebello Design Centre in Newlands, Bauer is recognised for his unusual, of plant material, Bauer says he was “like
Cape Town. Montebello is home to over cutting-edge developments in porcelain Charlie in the chocolate factory.” He was
20 craft workshops and artists’ studios, as production. Using ancient Chinese already a fan of Kirstenbosch National
well as a plant nursery, historic greenhouse techniques, the images on his work rise Botanical Garden and Arderne Gardens
and restaurant. above the surface of the clay. They are in Claremont, Cape Town, and says of
The horticultural specimens reflected the not negative impressions, but positive Vergelegen: “Where else would you find
multi-layered history of the 322-year-old ‘expressions’ from the clay’s surface. a Camphor tree forest? Vergelegen is a
estate, whose abundant gardens include By appropriating objects such as treasure, an ocean of uniqueness.”
12 Landscape SA • Issue 121 2023