Page 22 - Landscape-Issue123
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          Katrien van Zyl of Arnelia Wholesale Nursery was awarded the SANA Young Grower
          Award in 2021. These awards were created to acknowledge young SANA members

          and employees under the age of 35 who excel and perform above expectation.

              he awards celebrate individuals, who                              Flower) and a range of Bougainvilleas.
              are judged on their outstanding                                   In  the  first  instance,  we  grow  plants  in
          Twork,    dependability,  initiative,                                 the genera  Protea,  Leucadendron (cone
          interpersonal relations, teamwork and                                 bush),   Leucospermum  (pincushions),
          general value to their organisations.                                 Serruria (Blushing Brides),  Aulax,  Mimetes,
          Landscape SA posed the following                                      and  Orothamnus (March Rose), all South
          questions to her:                                                     African members of the family, as well as
                                                                                Telopea and Banksia from the Australian
          Please give details on your                                           part of the Proteaceae family. In the case of
          horticultural background, and why                                     Bougainvilleas, we grow varieties in a range
          you chose this as a career                                            of colours that are suitable  for container
          I  completed  my  ND  Horticulture  at  CPUT                          growing, as well as varieties more suited as
          in Cape  Town. Growing up on a farm in                                screening plants.
          the Sandveld, my family and I spent most
          of our time bonding through gardening.                                What does a person need to be
          My earliest and fondest memories are of                               successful grower, apart from a
          my grandmother, who took  us on walks                                 horticultural qualification?
          in the field, identifying and expanding                               With a passion for propagation and being
          knowledge of wild plants along the way.                               open to learning and improving, one
          These activities ignited my love and                                  is already halfway to being successful.
          passion for horticulture.                                             Networking with others in the industry
                                                                                ensures  a  solid  support  structure  and
          Where did you work after                                              sharing of knowledge.  There will be good
          qualifying?                                                           years  and  bad  years,  and  one’s  teacher,  as
          My career started at Fairholme Plants,                                well as the lessons learned, are in the bad
          where  I  was  involved  in  all  aspects  of                         years. The wisest words ever spoken to me
          the business – propagating cuttings,                                  were: “The best fertiliser in your orchard are
          filling orders and acting as a field  agent.                          your footsteps in the rows.”  This is a good
          I  then  moved  to  Flora  United  Protea                             starting point to success.
          Farms  where  I  was  responsible  for  the
          meticulous scouting of the orchards for                               What was Arnelia’s motivation for
          pests and diseases, rooting of Proteaceae   Katrien van Zyl           entering you for the award?
          and managing of the pack shed for export                              They said:  “Katrien has excelled beyond
          cut flowers. Whilst at ALG Estates, I helped                          all expectations in her role at Arnelia,
          manage  a  citrus nursery which  involved                             and deserves to be recognised for her
          irrigation, budding, fertilising, pest and   What are your favourite plant   continuous hard work and dedication to
          disease management.                species?                           improve not only her area, but to contribute
                                             This is a difficult yet easy answer! My   to the growth of Arnelia as a whole. She is an
          How long have you been at Arnelia   favourite is  Capsicum spp., especially   exceptional individual and we are proud to
          and what are your responsibilities   Jalapeno. I love the fact that they are diverse   have her on our team.”
          here?                              and their uses are so numerous – they can
          I  have  been  with  Arnelia  Farms  for  eight   be used as a spice, dried, cooked, pickled   What was SANA’s feedback after you
          years now, and am fully responsible for the   or as a very tasty sauce. For me, the best   won the award?
          propagation process. This entails ensuring   version of them is Jalapeno poppers. They   The chairman said: “You may be justifiably
          that our mother stock is in good condition,   also have fantastic health properties and   proud of this incredible achievement! I have
          our cuttings are taken at the right time,   benefits and to top it off, are easy to grow!  no doubt that you will continue to grow,
          cared for in the greenhouse and the                                   develop and prosper in our wonderful green
          hardening  off  process.  I  also  oversee  the   Does Arnelia specialise in proteas   industry. Congratulations and well done!”
          irrigation management in these areas and   only, or have they introduced other
          ensure that our rooted cuttings are export-  plants? If only proteas, which ones?  How did you feel after receiving the
          ready.                             Arnelia is a specialist wholesale nursery,   award, and what does it mean for
                                             producing potted plants for sale to retail   you going forward?
          Have you specialised in any        garden centres and landscapers in South   I was ecstatic and humbled at having been
          particular plants, or growing in   Africa. We grow many different species and   nominated and receiving this prestigious
          general?                           cultivars of plants in the Proteaceae family,   award, and have since been encouraged to
          I’ve specialised in budding citrus trees and   as well as a number of different Agathosma   learn even more about the growing of plants
          propagating Proteaceae.            (Buchu),  Chamelaucium  (Geraldton Wax   to improve myself.     n

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