Page 18 - Landscape-Issue126
P. 18


          10 ways to be Water Wise

        In the house                                          saving water. Make sure that the greywater is suitable for
        Where to start                                        the types of plants you have in the garden. Visit the Water
        Visit the Water Wise website and use the calculator to  Wise website for more information.
        calculate your current water use.                     Install a rain gauge
        Draw up a plan                                        This is a simple way of measuring how much you need to
        Take a look at the Water Wise report generated from the  water the garden during rainy seasons. There is no need
        calculator to see where you use most of your water and  to water if you have received enough rainfall.
        start there. If it’s in the shower, reduce your showering   Harvest rainwater
        time. Plan on how much you want to save. The Water Wise   This can be as simple as putting a bucket outside when it
        website has a lot of great information on saving water and   rains, or installing a rain tank and directing water from the
        reducing your consumption.                            gutters into the tank. This method can also reduce your
        Read your water meter                                 water bill.
        Learn how to read your water metre (usually just outside   Hydro-zone your garden
        your property - for complexes ask the Body Corporate)   Grouping  plants according  to their watering needs not
        to see how much water you consume daily, weekly and   only saves water but it can save you money. Divide the
        monthly. More importantly, a water metre is a great way   garden into high, medium, low and very low water zones.
        of detecting if there is a leak in your home or garden.  Then water accordingly.
        Make small stickers or posters                        Mulch and mulch and mulch!
        Remember that some habits are hard to change. Make    Mulching your garden saves water, protects plant roots
        interesting posters that you can put around your house as   and  prevents  weeds.  Mulch  helps  with  retaining  soil
        a reminder. This is a fun activity one can do with children.  moisture,  making  it  easy to maintain  your garden and
                                                              reducing the amount of water your garden needs.
        In the garden
        It’s all about the timing                             There are many other simple ways you can save water.
        Watering  times  are  very  important  when  it  comes  to   Visit the Water Wise website by going to the Rand Water
        watering a garden. The earlier, the better. Try to water the   website and  clicking  on  the Water Wise logo  for more
        garden in the morning before 7:00 am or in the afternoon   information.
        after  6:00  pm.  Only  water  when  plants  show  signs  of
        needing water.                                        Always be Water Wise!
        Make use of greywater
        Reusing greywater in the garden is another great way of

 and click on the Water Wise logo
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