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Confiscated succulents
been targeted by plant collectors over Importance of conserving these sector to take more effective action against
the years, but not to the same extent. The plants illegal collection and trade;
Northern Cape is particularly vulnerable to Maintaining species maintains healthy 4. ensure that policy frameworks support
illegal plant collection due to the vastness ecosystems and associated services that are improved compliance and enforcement;
of the region, which presents challenges important to sustaining life on Earth. Air, water 5. reduce pressure on wild populations by
for effective monitoring, protection and and food all rely on healthy biodiversity that engaging local communities;
enforcement. can provide opportunities for development 6. develop effective communication briefs
The region is also defined by high levels and socio-economic upliftment. South Africa about the impact of illegal plant collection
of poverty and unemployment, and some has a key responsibility to look after this and trade;
of the locals, faced with the reality of limited spectacular biodiversity, a large proportion of 7. explore options for the development
job opportunities, have been enticed by which is found nowhere else in the world. of a formal economy that benefits the
foreign traders and collectors to become The country is a signatory to several country and contributes to socio-economic
involved in the collection of wild plants. international biodiversity agreements development and conservation. The
The Succulent Karoo is one of South including the Convention on Biological plan also highlights key actions to guide
Africa’s three globally recognised Diversity (CBD), the Convention on implementation.
biodiversity hot spots, and there are only 36 International Trade in Endangered Species
in the world. It has an exceptional diversity (CITES) and the Ngoya Protocol on Access Currently, some of the greatest challenges
of flora and of the approximately 6 356 and Benefit Sharing (ABS). Through in giving effect to the strategy and action
plant species in the region, almost 40% national legislation, the commitments to plan includes the lack of sufficient funding
are endemic. This means that South Africa these agreements are supported so that and capacity, but both national and provincial
houses just under 2 500 succulent plant South Africa actively contributes towards government, together with critical support
species that are found nowhere else on sustainable biodiversity conservation for the from partner organisations, are working hard
earth. The diversity of dwarf leaf-succulent benefit of present and future generations. to overcome these hurdles.
shrubs is the biome’s most distinctive To date, WWF has made funding available
character. Measures being taken to minimise to support SANBI in the implementation
Many species are highly specialised in illegal collection and trade of the strategy and action plan. Additional
their habitat requirements, adapted to life In July 2021, following several months funds have also been secured through the
within a limited range of environmental of escalating levels in illegal harvest and International Union for Conservation of
conditions and across limited areas, resulting trade of unique plants from the Succulent Nature (IUCN) Save Our Species small grants
in a phenomenon known as point or local Karoo region, the Department of Forestry, programme. SANBI has also established
endemism. Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) with an internal Succulent Poaching Working
Approximately 5% of the Succulent support from the South African National Group, which will address various SANBI
Karoo biome has already been lost due Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and WWF responsibilities as outlined in the national
to anthropogenic land use and several South Africa, brought together a network strategy.
specialised habitats are also threatened of key stakeholders including government The National Response Strategy and
by mining activities. Four threatened departments, conservation authorities, Action Plan to Address the Illegal Trade in
ecosystem types in the Succulent Karoo are: NGO’s and local communities, to discuss South African Succulent Flora can be viewed
• the Eastern Little Karoo (endangered), and address this issue. By the end of January on the department’s website.
degraded through over-utilisation 2022, an action plan had been developed SANBI is working closely with the DFFE
(grazing/browsing); and approved. and other key role players to take forward the
• Klawer Sandy Shrubland (critically The strategy is aimed at ensuring the implementation of the above plan to help
endangered). It has experienced a loss long-term survival of our rich succulent combat the illegal trade in South African flora.
in natural habitat in the last 28 years, flora, whilst promoting sustainable socio- Together with the WWF, they have hired a co-
primarily driven by agriculture. It is economic development within the country. It ordinating team to work on the administrative
further degraded by erosion; takes into account the array of challenges and and field work aspects of the project. These
• Piketberg Quartz Succulent Shrubland opportunities surrounding the problem and positions are being funded through the
(critically endangered). The ongoing sets out objectives focused on resolving the Leslie Hill Succulent Karoo Trust and the most
decline in natural area in this small issues, namely to: recent appointments are Dr. Carina Becker-du
ecosystem has been driven primarily by 1. ensure the long-term survival of Toit, scientific co-ordinator and Emily Kudze,
agriculture; representative species populations; senior scientific co-ordinator.
• Richtersveld Coastal Duneveld (critically 2. ensure the establishment of well-managed
endangered). Diamond mining is a key ex situ collections; Information and photos supplied by WWF South
pressure on this ecosystem type. 3. enable the compliance and enforcement Africa n
Landscape SA • Issue 129 2023 11