Page 8 - Landscape-Issue131
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A green wall wraps the main façade A decorative living screen breaks down the scale of the estate’s three-lane entrance. It is planted with Senecio tamoides,
Rhoicissus tridentata and Jasminum multipartitum
and gravel with exposed aggregate beams the built form, all culminating in a central feature was done by first shaping, tamping
as edge restraints. While grass alone cannot courtyard. This courtyard is a formal and stabilising the stepped platforms and
withstand vehicular traffic and excessive design intervention within a project that then deconstructing it, laying geofabric in a
paving can lead to water management is predominantly focused on landscape flattened S shape to accommodate and hold
issues, SmartStone’s grass block merges the restoration. the soil in place. Instant turf was then installed
advantages of both paving and vegetation. The space gives human scale and intimacy as the final layer, and Cowan says that the
It has a modern linear shape as opposed to the vastness of the 14-hectare valley that initial impression is one of “a mini rice paddy
to the more commonly used honeycomb- edges the clubhouse on its eastern side. The terrace.”
shaped blocks, and is designed with cavities primary design intervention was the use of As with the surrounding grassed areas,
that allow grass to grow through. This is a graphic zen-like paving pattern used as Buffalo grass has been used due to its
ideal for driveways and parking areas as it the horizontal mechanism to integrate the ability to withstand heavy foot traffic. All
provides good load-bearing capacity, and architecture and the outdoor courtyard, landscaped areas have been mulched with
at the same time blends with the natural with the garden acting as the connector locally sourced material.
surroundings. The grass helps to maximise between nature and the architecture. On top of the main building, a roof
soil water retention, protecting against The combined hard and soft elements garden has been planted with large-leaved
erosion and giving colour and life to the help in situating local ecology and material similar to the ground floor areas,
area. aesthetics together to produce a calming and supplemented with local grassland
The green wall wraps the main façade, and beautiful space enjoyed by residents forbs, succulents and Aloes. This is the only
using a modular gro-wall system and and visitors. area with an irrigation system, consisting
waterproofing. of a manually operated drip system to
The 37m long water element was co- Landscape installation supplement water needs during the drier
ordinated together with structural, electrical This was undertaken by Life Landscapes KZN winters. The drainage system is a
and civil engineers, as well as a water feature KZN, who received a silver award in the simple cuspated layer on top of the flat-
specialist for mechanical engineering 2023 SALI Awards of Excellence for the roofed structure, linked to full-bore drains.
aspects and a metal fabrication specialist for Zululami Clubhouse and SALA Boutique The soil type used is a fast draining, bark-
the spouts. The design of the water element Hotel. They entered the project in the based medium, mixed with a loamy topsoil.
comprised complicated levels that needed category of Landscape Construction with The entire roof area was also mulched to
to be resolved at the start, as no correcting Design by Others. lower evaporation rates.
could take place once the concrete was Arthur Cowan of Life Landscapes KZN The clubhouse landscape incorporates
poured. Metal sheet spouts provided a explains that work on the clubhouse the design ethos of the greater Zululami
smooth surface for the water to run over, landscape commenced with the installation Estate, and blends seamlessly into the
giving a soft, gentle sound. of large (1000lt) ex open ground trees in the surrounding grassland and coastal forest
The roof garden was a concrete inner courtyard. This was followed by the landforms.
construction, with water proofing and installation of the central café courtyard,
drainage infrastructure. now the Fika Restaurant. Conclusion
A decorative screen was custom-made by The broad plant palette consisted mainly Rumble says that the client afforded them
a metal specialist and introduced to break of KZN coastal forest species, and lower the opportunity to influence the outdoor
down the scale of the three-lane entrance. canopy plant material was made up of aesthetics. “Their trust in us is what I believe
With limited horizontal growing space, both local indigenous and exotic plants. allowed the team to work collaboratively
the trellis offered a solution, which further Cowan says that plants used resulted in a to deliver the end product. With clear
required a non-conventional support landscape of “a calming oasis set within an design intentions you can create beautiful
footing. Cylindrical columns were used to estate, providing a meeting place where landscapes that are emotive, joyful, visual,
form foundations, ensuring growth space. residents can enjoy a meal, relax around the restorative, resilient, social and cultural. The
Senecio tamoides, Rhoicissus tridentata and pool or work remotely”. outcome is yours to make.”
Jasminum multipartitum were planted on Alongside the ramped entrance to the
the screen. clubhouse, an outdoor grassed amphitheatre Text supplied by Land Art Studio and Life
The clubhouse focus was on a more space has been provided for live performances, Green Group KZN. Photos courtesy of Land
intensive landscape within and around movie nights and relaxation. This landscape Art Studio. n
6 Landscape SA • Issue 131 2023