Page 10 - Landscape-Issue132
P. 10



          Circle Senior Living is an upmarket senior community brand with residences being
          developed in Johannesburg and Cape Town. The first one, recently completed, is in
          Sandown, Johannesburg. As with any development, gardens and landscaping are
          strong enhancing factors, but perhaps especially so in the case of a retirement facility.

          Project Team
          Client: Circle Senior Living
          Architects: Julian Katz Architects
          Landscaper: Grace’s Glory

          Corene Breedt-Rammutla, CEO and co-founder,    A raised brick planter on the restaurant deck provides pleasing greenery
          with Michael Sieff, executive director and co-founder
          Below: A calm corner surrounded by flower colour for residents to enjoy
                                                                                   andscaper Bev Courtney chose
                                                                                   plants that flower at different times
                                                                               Lof the year, so that colour, scent and
                                                                                textures are always present. Scented
                                                                                hybrid tea roses include Just Joey,
                                                                                Zulu Royal, Alec’s Red, Double Delight,
                                                                                Egoli, Garden Queen, Roberto Carpucci
                                                                                and  South  Africa.  In  addition  to  their
                                                                                fragrance, these varieties also provide
                                                                                the required height. Clusters of colour-
                                                                                scape roses were also planted as they
                                                                                are  “profuse and continuous flowerers,”
                                                                                says Bev. These include Granny’s Delight,
                                                                                Granny Dearest and Deloitte & Touche.
                                                                                  Cascading plants were used to soften
                                                                                fairly vast expanses of wall. These include
                                                                                Dichondra  ‘Silver Falls’ and  Helichrysum
                                                                                petiolare for the parking area as it gives
                                                                                height and a light grey foliage. Escallonia
                                                                                ‘Pink Princess’ was used at the entrance to
                                                                                the reception area, replacing roses which
                                                                                would have led to residents coming into
                                                                                contact with thorns on entering the
                                                                                building. This shrub flowers profusely and
                                                                                continuously throughout the year.
                                                                                  To the left of the entrance there is
                                                                                a clean  Buxus hedge, with  Murraya
                                                                                exotica  standards  introduced  for
                                                                                scent. Other plant material includes
                                                                                Raphiolepis, Freylinia, Hibiscus, Brunsfelsia,
                                                                                Camellia, Azalea, Hydrangea, various
                                                                                Salvia  varieties,  Foxgloves,  Delphinium,
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