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           Through Transformative Landscaping and Water Conservation

              hough   small-space   landscaping
              might be challenging, there are many
           Tsolutions and ideas available to those
           who are prepared to be minimalists.  With
           appropriate water conservation practices,
           sustainability and aesthetic appeal can thrive
           What is small-space landscaping?
           This is where individuals can cultivate plants
           within a restricted environment such as a
           balcony, patio or a small yard, using containers.
           Resisting the urge  to overcrowd  a small
           space garden is challenging; when plants are
           placed too close together, they compete for
           essential resources like nutrients and light.
           A dense canopy formed by closely spaced
           plants can also promote higher susceptibility
           to diseases. For optimal results, use a modest
           number  of  well-spaced  plants,  with  organic
           mulch in between, to help preserve the soil
           moisture, as opposed to cramming numerous
           plants into the same area.
           Tips for designing a small-space
           Careful planning is needed to make the best   Essential water conservation   with good drainage. Use a quality potting
           use of small spaces. Here are some ideas   elements for small-space   mix  that  holds  moisture while  allowing
           to help you create a functional and visually   landscaping            excess water to drain.
           appealing landscape in a small space:  The principles below can effectively
                                              conserve water while also promoting a   Rainwater harvesting: Install rain barrels to
           Evaluate your space: Evaluate the available   healthy and thriving garden.  collect rainwater for use in the garden later.
           space, paying attention to sunlight exposure,                         Harvest rainwater to water plants, reducing
           shade patterns and potential obstacles such   Soil preparation: Organic matter can   reliance on municipal water sources.
           as structures or trees. Consider the soil quality,   help improve soil structure and drainage.
           drainage  and  micro-climates  in  your  small   Well-amended  soil  allows  plants  to  more   Permeable pavers: It is essential to choose
           space.                             efficiently access water, reducing the need   permeable pavers made from porous
                                              for frequent watering.             materials like gravel or spaced-out stones.
           Establish focal points:  Choose a decorative                          Plant  thyme  or  moss  in  between  these
           container, a one-of-a-kind plant, or a garden   Watering methods:  To minimise water   spaces to improve the aesthetics of  your
           ornament to serve as the focal point for your   wastage due to evaporation, use drip   garden. This allows rainwater to penetrate
           small garden. Focal points draw the eye and   irrigation or soaker hoses to deliver water   the ground, reducing runoff and helping to
           can make the space seem larger and more   directly  to the base of plants.  To reduce   replenish groundwater.
           intentional.                       evaporation, water in the early morning or
                                              late afternoon. Avoid watering between
                                                                                                  FOR FURTHER
           Choose plants that take up less space: Select   10am and 2pm from October to February.  INFORMATION ON
           plants such as dwarf or compact  varieties.
           Consider using herbs and edible plants that   Water-efficient plants:  Select  drought-  WATER WISE, PLEASE
                                                                                                 CONTACT US ON:
           can be harvested and used for cooking,   tolerant or water-efficient varieties that are
           providing both beauty and functionality.  appropriate for your climate and growing     0860 10 10 60.
                                              conditions.  To maximise irrigation, group
           Container gardening: To create a mobile and   plants with similar water needs together
           adaptable garden, use containers and potted   (hydrozoning).
           plants. This is particularly useful if your small
           space is a balcony or patio. To increase visual   Mulching: To reduce evaporation, suppress
           appeal, select a variety of container sizes and   weeds and keep soil moisture stable, apply
           shapes.                            an organic mulch layer (bark chips or straw)
                                              around plants. Mulch also helps regulate
           Vertical gardening:  Hanging  baskets,  wall-  soil  temperature,  preventing  extreme
           mounted planters or vertical gardening   fluctuations that can cause water loss.
           structures can help you make the most of
           your vertical space. This technique adds visual   Considerations for container gardening: To
           interest while also saving ground space.  avoid waterlogged soil, choose containers

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