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                 Samgro Wholesale Nursery, situated in Wellington,
               Western Cape, supplies a diverse range of over 700 plant
               species across Southern Africa and internationally, with an
                   annual production exceeding 3 million plants.

               With propagation at the heart of our business, the focus
                 has broadened to include collaboration with plant
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                          with fresh, new species.
                  Our commitment to quality and service remains
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                Our goal is to ensure our clients benefit from reduced   Contact us today!
                production costs via reliable supply, quality, and time
                              savings.                      Marina Spangenberg at

               As we navigate the future of the green industry, we're  Samgro Office:
               excited to grow and innovate together with our clients, and
               maintaining our dedication to timely, quality service.  Tel: +27 21 873 4377 | Cell: +27 82 893 0188
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