Page 22 - Landscape-Issue136(2)
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          By Yves Vanderhaeghen

                                                Ethologist and environmentalist Dr Jane Goodall
                                                recently addressed a select audience of scientists
                                                at the  Wits Origins Centre in Johannesburg.

                                                Organised by Oppenheimer Generations Research
                                                and  Conservation,  the  event,  titled  “Protect,
                                                Manage, Restore”, set up a conversation between

                                                Goodall and a panel of local researchers on “co-
                                                creating future ecosystems for Africa”.

          Dr Jane Goodall

              he evening started with a welcome   challenges include the role of cattle and   up to the biodiversity crisis, and so funding
              from Dr Duncan MacFadyen, head of   wood harvesting in these conservation   is becoming more available”. She said that
          TOppenheimer Generations Research   environments, and also the expectations   scientists could provide a valuable role in
          and Conservation, who highlighted the   of top-end tourists who expect to see   directing the funding towards projects
          conservation legacy of the Oppenheimer   unspoilt wilderness and wild animals and   where the evidence suggests positive
          family, followed by an address by Nicky   who are offended by the sight of human   change can be made. Scientists, she said,
          Oppenheimer.                       activity.                          should highlight what can be done, and
           All agreed that even if the ultimate   Panellist and researcher Dr Odirilwe   engage with solutions even at the level of
          objective  is  conservation,  saving  Selimane, an agricultural economist based   small landowners.
          ecosystems, reversing species extinction   at  the  University  of  Pretoria,  asked  the   Goodall, in turn, is channelling her
          or climate change, engaging with human   question:  “Are we using land correctly?”   energies  into  youth  programmes.
          needs and activities was crucial.  “When   In  gauging  this,  he  suggested  two   “Horrified” at the thought of what climate
          trying to save ecosystems you start   approaches.  The first is to use a nexus   change will do, she nevertheless believes
          with the people,” said Professor Sally   assessment of the interlinkages between   “we have a window of time to slow climate
          Archibald, who leads the  Wits-based   biodiversity, water, food and health and   change and biodiversity loss. There are big
          Future Ecosystems for Africa programme.   how policy and practice tilt the balance   problems to solve, but the good news is
          Goodall drew on her own experience in   to the benefit or detriment of any of   that people are working on solutions, but
          support of Archibald. She established her   these factors. On the whole, he said, food   they need collaborations.”
          reputation studying chimpanzees at the   production gets prioritised, sometimes   In her address to the audience after the
          Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania,   in a way which harms water security   panel discussion, Goodall emphasised
          where her work provided insights into   and biodiversity. And so, if the nexus   that  “it’s all about this hope thing”. She
          the intelligence and similarities between   assessment gives a nett negative result,   said that her message to young people
          chimpanzees and humans. When she first   the land is being used incorrectly, and if   was,  “yes, we have harmed your future,
          set foot in the reserve in 1960, it formed   positive, then it is being used correctly.  but you can do something”. She strongly
          part of a large unbroken tract of forest. A   It  is  important  to  start  from  an   advocates consumer choice as a way of
          decade later, the forest had shrunk to an   understanding  that  conservation  and   forcing  businesses  to  operate  in  ways
          island in an arid environmental wasteland,   development don’t need to be separate,   more beneficial to overall survival and
          trapping the chimpanzees in a habitat that   and then ask how the flow of money (into   wellbeing. The audience had a first-hand
          constrained their range and limited their   development for example) is influencing   insight into this when they were told not
          survival chances. But to save the chimps,   the social and natural landscape. As things   to drink their water out of plastic bottles as
          she approached the villages surrounding   stand, said Selimane, global funding flows   Goodall was strongly opposed to plastics
          the reserve to establish what people   140 times more towards “nature-eroding”   because of their harmfulness.
          needed.  In  what  Goodall  says  was  the   investments, as opposed to  “nature-  She  said  in  conclusion  that  she  vests
          first community-led conservation project   building” investments.     her hope for the future on several things,
          in the world, programmes were initiated   Money, the panellists agreed, is crucial   including the resilience of nature (“in spite
          to provide education, agricultural skills,   to saving the environment and reversing   of us”), time and help which will bring
          clean water and community development,   climate change.  With a flash of anger,   nature and animals back from the brink,
          which eventually led to a rehabilitation   Goodall said that “if we took the money   and innovation.
          of the forest and the survival of the   from the wars and armaments we could   Above all, it is humanity’s “indomitable
          chimpanzees.                       solve all the poverty and conservation   spirit”,  a  quality  that  sums  up  her  own
           In  her  work  in  the  Niassa  Reserve  in   problems”. Her vehement opposition to   pioneering and crusading efforts in
          Mozambique, Archibald noted that it was   warmongering extends to whom she   conservation for over 60 years.
          important not just to create conservation   accepts  funding  from  for  the  operations
          areas, but to find ways of incorporating   of  the  Jane  Goodall  Institute,  and  she   Yves Vanderhaeghen writes for Jive Media
          and managing human activities within   said she had recently rejected an offer of   Africa, science communication partner of
          them in a way that contributes both to   money from the gun manufacturer Glock.  Oppenheimer  Generation  Research  and
          boosting ecosystems and livelihoods. The   Archibald said that “the world has woken   Conservation.   n

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