Page 4 - Landscape-Issue138
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                                             GREEN INDUSTRY AWARDS

                                                he  month  of  June  saw  three  sectors   excellence, at the same time boosting their
                                                of the green industry present their   confidence.  Recognition  of  work  well  done
                                             Trespective  awards  at  the  SAGIC   acknowledges the recipients’ value, effort and
                                             Convention  in  Stellenbosch.  The  SALI  and   dedication, also motivating non-recipients to
                                             ILASA Awards appear in this issue, and SANA’s   strive towards future achievements.
                                             will appear next month.              In  acknowledging  the  winners,  we  also
                                              Awards and trophies date back to the early   need to thank the organisers of the award
                                             days  of  cave  men,  when  the  best hunters   ceremonies.  These events demand energy,
                                             were presented with fur skins.  Today we   long hours and months of forward planning.
                                             celebrate with shields and silver cups at gala   Congratulations to all the winners and
                                             events which showcase recognition, success   thanks to the SAGIC organisers!
                                             and achievement.
                                              Receiving an award motivates people   Karyn Richards
                                             towards striving for higher levels of   Editor


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