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          By Mary Anne Constable

          Newinbosch Neighbourhood Estate in Stellenbosch recently received a 6-Star
          Green Star Sustainable Precincts certification from the Green Building Council
          South Africa (GBCSA) – a first for any project in Africa.

          Project Team
          Developer: Similan
          Architects: Osmond Lange
          Landscape Architects:
          CNDV Landscape Architects
          Landscape Contractor:
          Life Landscapes
          Main Contractor: Raubex Building

          Phase One, consisting of townhouses,
          courtyards, homesteads and simplex homes

             he residential development, which   the sustainability and liveability of   The  Sustainable  Precincts  tool
             features greened communal spaces to   communal spaces, and Newinbosch is a   acknowledges  landscaping  initiatives
          Tpromote active and healthy living, will   prime example of how this can be put into   under  the  ‘Livability’  and  ‘Environment’
          include innovative landscaping concepts   practice.  Similan  MD  Harold  Spies  says:   categories.  These  aspects  include
          such as pocket forests, regenerative   “We’ve always envisioned Newinbosch as a   considerations for active and healthy living,
          biodiversity and an urban farm. The project is   place for everyone. Our focus is on creating   biodiversity enhancements, landscape
          also targeting a Net Zero Ecology certification   a neighbourhood with the right mix of   irrigation and stormwater management.
          from the GBCSA.                    ingredients and liveability, without the   Peta Brom, sustainability consultant from
           Top of mind for developer, Similan, when   poshness  that  alienates.  It’s  not  an  estate   Ecolution, notes: “There is a strong focus
          planning the project, was the goal of creating a   in the conventional sense, which is a subtle   on public life and community cohesion
          safe, accessible and inclusive neighbourhood   but very important distinction for us.”  in the vision for the neighbourhood,
          feel.  It’s  a  residential  development  that   GBCSA’s Sustainable Precincts Green Star   and this is apparent in every aspect of
          prioritises not just the living spaces but   Certification rewards developments that   implementation.”
          also the shared public spaces that promote   consider  sustainability  innovations across   The Newinbosch homes have received
          community interaction.             the entire site, rather than the individual   an EDGE Advanced (Level 2) certification
                                             buildings. It rates the planning, design and   and the new Grappa Shed lifestyle centre
          A green neighbourhood              construction of the precinct space only. Six   will be targeting a 5-Star Green Star rating
          Landscaping plays a key role in reinforcing   stars signifies world leadership in this realm.   as well as a Net Zero Carbon certification.

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