Page 25 - Landscape-Issue141(2)
P. 25


                                          Water distribution test
                                              The layout below shows the test setup for each soil. Drippers delivering 0.5 ℓ/h,1.0 ℓ/h and
                                              2.0 ℓ/h were tested with 3 ℓ, 6 ℓ and 9 ℓ buckets and appropriate irrigation times.

           Jovan Erasmus conducting a profile pit water
           distribution test

           without rapidly reducing the levels of
           oxygen in the root zone. An ideal point
           of  balance  between  water  and  oxygen,
           at which plants will thrive, exists for each
           soil  type.  When  irrigating,  the  aim  is  to
           manage the root zone with precision in
           order  to  maintain  the  perfect  soil-water
            A low infiltrability rate combined with
           a high flow rate will lead to very wide   The best way to appreciate the results is through the graphs below that illustrate the water
           horizontal distribution, but very shallow   distribution pattern formed. Note that each colour represents a different dripper delivery rate.
           vertical distribution.  This often leads
           to ponding, high run-off and shallow
           rootzones. By lowering the delivery
           rate, distribution is more uniform with
           balanced horizontal and vertical water
           distribution and a more balanced oxygen
            Low delivery rates make the necessary
           balance possible by achieving good
           infiltration in moist soils.  The forces of
           gravity and capillary action become more
           equal and soil/ water/air ratios can be kept
           more constant throughout the wetted area.

           Soil water distribution test
           For this test, use a five to ten litre bucket   Lessons learnt from these   Knowing this information is important when
           on a platform, raised 40cm from the soil   experiments                considering dripper spacing selection and
           surface. Connect a dripper with a chosen   •   Proper soil preparation makes all the   irrigation duration.
           flow rate to a thin pipe. Connect the other   difference in achieving balanced water   When  considering  the  above  graphs,
           end of this pipe to the bottom of the   distribution  and  ensuring  healthy root   you will note that the 0,5 ℓ/h dripper had
           bucket and place the dripper end on the   zones.                      the widest  spread and  did not wet  the soil
           soil. Allow the bucket to run empty and   •   The lower the flow rate, the better the   as deeply as the 1 and 2 ℓ/h drippers. This
           you can open a profile pit to look at the   balance between the horizontal and   indicates that with lower flow, you will have
           water distribution pattern.         vertical distribution of water.   better control over your depth of irrigation,
                                              •   Soil compaction will have a massive impact   whilst also maintaining more constant
           Case studies                        on the  distribution of water in  your soil.   oxygen levels in the soil. You are also less likely
           Netafim conducted experiments on farms   Compaction layers generally occur at   to leach fertilisers past your root zone.
           in  Tzaneen, Letsitele and Nelspruit to   different depths in the soil.  Water  distribution  is  impacted  by  many
           test the water distribution patterns for   •   Water  tends  to  accumulate  above   factors and dripper spacing, dripper delivery
           different flow rates in different soils. It is   compaction  layers,  thus  spreading  rate and irrigation duration must all be
           extremely important to know the soil you   horizontally above the layer. The top layer   selected with care to ensure a healthy root-
           are  working  with.  Without  knowledge   of soil will then become saturated, which   zone.  There are many decisions that must
           about  how  water  moves  through  the   means that there will be little or no oxygen   be made, and understanding soil and water
           soil in question, calculations are futile. It   in the soil.          movement and plant requirements makes it
           is important that these tests are done in                             a lot easier to make these decisions. Lastly, be
           very dry soil, otherwise it will be difficult   Determining dripper spacing  sure to involve the necessary experts in the
           to see and feel the difference in the soil.   To determine dripper spacing, note the width   planning process as a long list of variables
           Netafim  did  water  distribution  tests  and   and depth of the water distribution pattern   must be measured, considered and analysed.
           dug profile pits to physically measure the   in your  soil; you will  then have insight into
           wetted area.                       what goes on underneath the soil surface.   Photos supplied by Netafim SA
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