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                             GET TO KNOW THE STAFF

                                                  What’s your current position?     believe in, in your work and life?  Tell us
                   Get to know:                   Resident Liaison Officer.         about them.
                   Leandré Mervis                                                   My parents. Their jobs as an educator and a
                                                  Can you give us a brief overview of what   legal practitioner, respectively, instilled an
                                                  your work involves?               extremely strict work ethic in me and gave
                                                  I act as the company's liaison with residents.   me my moral compass.  I would not be the
                                                  I bridge effective communication between   person I am today without the guidance,
                                                  the residents and the HOA.        values and morals that they have instilled
                                                                                    in me.
                                                  Contact details.
                                                  012 809 0142                      What are your future plans or something
                                                    exciting that you would like to do?
                                                                                    In a world that’s constantly changing, I
                                                  Describe yourself in three words.   believe one’s plans need to be somewhat
                                                  Observant. Ambitious. Driven.     porous or malleable. I am therefore open
                                                                                    to whatever opportunity may arise in my
                                                  Are you married?  Any children?   future. However, ideally, I would like to
                                                  Single. No kids.                  travel to at least 10 to 15 countries in the
                                                                                    next four years, learn a new language and
                                                  What are your hobbies or interests?   excel professionally.
                                                  I’m an avid reader. I have a bit of a   To simply be happy.
                                                  wanderlust and enjoy travelling.
                                                                                    If you could change one thing in the
                                                                                    world to make it better, what would it be?
                                                  What do you enjoy most about your job   Eradicate racism GLOBALLY in all areas
                                                  at Silver Lakes?                  (systemic  racism,  individual  racism,
                                                  It’s treading new ground for me, and will
                                                  thus challenge me professionally.  structural racism and interpersonal racism,
                                                                                    etc). Because Black Lives Matter!

                                                  Where did you grow up?            What is your motto in life?
                                                  I was raised in Pretoria.         “The grass is green where you water it”-
                                                                                    Neil Barringham,
                                                  Did you have any key mentors or people   “Just keep swimming”- Dory, Finding
                                                  who influenced who you are or what you   Nemo

                                                                                       INTRA MUROS  SEPTEMBER 2020     05
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