Page 34 - Silver Lakes_Issue 10_2022
P. 34



             s part of a small community, most
             residents   strive   continuously
        Ato  be  responsible  and  diligent
        homeowners.  With  a  limited  supply  of
        electricity  (a  situation  that  still  affects  us
        all), it is important for us to work together
        in order to manage our consumption and to
        use only what we really need. So, when and
        how is the best time to use your electricity?
        Eskom has provided some tips and
        guidelines on how to be energy
        smart.  By  practising  these
        tips  and  implementing
        this behaviour regularly,
        you  will  be  able  to
        reduce  your  electricity
        bill  in  the  long  term,                       UNPLUG                   hydrated and cool. During winter, it’s best to
        while helping to reduce                          Don’t   leave   your     keep  your  room  temperature  set  between
        the extra strain on                             appliances   on   standby   18°C and 20°C. Dress warmly – use an extra
        the grid.                                      mode as they still use up to   jacket,  blankets  and  a  hot  water  bottle  to
                                                     15%  of  their  operating  power.   keep warm and to avoid using a heater.
        SWITCH OFF DURING                        Rather  switch  them  off  at  the
        EVENING PEAK TIMES                   plug  point.  Do  not  forget  to  unplug  your   POWER ALERTS
        Did you know that your geyser contributes   cellphone  charger  after  your  phone  has   Remember to keep an eye out and respond
        up to 30% of your monthly energy usage?   charged, or it will continue to draw power.  to  the  real-time  Power  Alert  messages  in
        Switch  it  off  during  peak  times,  between                            order  to  help  manage  the  strain  on  the
        5pm and 9pm, to help reduce demand on   CONTROL YOUR ROOM                 electricity system. Together, we can make a
        the grid during this period. You can insulate   TEMPERATURE               difference and keep the lights on.
        your geyser and hot water pipes to reduce   In summer, set your air-conditioner between
        heat loss and, in so doing, make your water   20°C and 23°C and wear light, loose-fitting   Eskom  is  always  happy  to  assist  you  with
        system more efficient.               clothing like shorts and short-sleeved tops.   your queries - call 08600 37566 (ESKOM) or
                                             Drink plenty of cold fluids to keep your body   visit:
        When  you  shower,  you  use  considerably
        less water than bathing. And, if you use a
        water-efficient showerhead in your shower,
        you  are  doubling  your  efforts  to  save  on
        hot water, which means less work for your

        Replacing  all  your  incandescent  bulbs
        with LEDs (light emitting diodes) and CFLs
        (compact fluorescent lamps) will contribute
        greatly  towards  reducing  your  electricity

        LED  globes  will  also  help  you  to  keep
        the  lights  on  when  the  power  goes  off.
        Remember to switch off the lights if you’re
        not occupying a room.

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