Page 6 - Silver Lakes_Issue 10_2022
P. 6


                           MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

        Baby-changing stations               consistent maintenance, we should be able   South Africa has an average annual rainfall of
        It came to our attention that Silver Lakes   to  get  the  hornwort  reduced  drastically   less than 500mm, while that of the world is
        did  not  have  baby-changing  stations  in   and, hopefully, eradicate it in time.   about 850mm.
        our  bathrooms.  We  have  installed  one
        changing  station  in  the  male  change   Being water-wise             “On  top  of  this,  between  37%  and  42%  of
        room in the disabled toilets, and one in   Although  I  did  touch  on  this  in  my  last   potable water is unaccounted for. This water
        the female change room in the disabled   article,  we  have  subsequently  moved  to   is  lost  through  leaks,  wastage  and  illegal
        toilets.  I  trust  this  will  make  life  a  little   level  2  water  restrictions.  Even  though   connections.  The  international  average
        easier for new parents in our estate.  the  HOA  uses  borehole/grey  water  to   water  usage  per  day  is  173  litres,  while
                                             water our gardens, we have nonetheless   South Africans use 61.8% more water than
        Hornwort                             requested  our  service  supplier  to  be   the world average.” (Sourced from National
        We  are  aware  that  the  hornwort  is   water conscious.              water security | South African Government
        continuing  to  spread  across  our  dams.                              (
        However,  we  are  still  waiting  for  our   We  were  blessed  with  rain  last  season,
        maintenance  management  plan  to    and  according  to  reports,  we  will  be   The  HOA  will  be  investigating  various
        be  approved  by  the  Department  of   blessed  again  this  year.  But  the  fact   solutions  and  plans  to  reduce  our  water
        Agriculture,  Land  Reform  and  Rural   remains:  South  Africa  is  a  water-scarce   footprint.  We  will  share  our  findings  with
        Development.  It  is  believed  that  the   country.                    the residents to ensure that we all make a
        increase in growth of the hornwort is                                   concerted effort to reduce our water usage
        related to the continuous sewage spills.   As our government puts it: “South Africa   and, more importantly, our water wastage.
                                             is a water-scarce country. It ranks as one
        Once the plan is approved, we can begin   of  the  30  driest  countries  in  the  world,   Yours faithfully
        to deepen our dams, where it’s believed   with an average rainfall of about 40% less
        that the hornwort will struggle to grow as   than  the  annual  world  average  rainfall.   Dean Pretorius
        the sunlight is reduced. We will also look
        at  introducing  tilapia  fish,  which  should
        manage  the  hornwort  going  forward  as
        the tilapias feed on aquatic plants.

        We  have  introduced  aerators  in  strategic
        positions  in  our  dams.  The  larger
        Otterbines are scheduled to be delivered
        within  the  next  few  months;  they  will
        oxygenate  the  water  and  should  limit
        the hornwort growth. Unfortunately, this
        process  will  take  time,  but  we  believe
        we  are  on  the  right  track  and  that  with

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