Page 37 - Silver Lakes_Issue 7_2022
P. 37
in the northern hemisphere who Some people throw parties during July
immigrated southwards. that mimic Christmas celebrations,
bringing on the atmosphere of Christmas
These countries still celebrate but with warmer temperatures. Parties
Christmas on 25 December, during may include Santa Claus, ice cream and
their summer, at the same time as other cold foods, as well as the exchange
those living in the northern hemisphere of gifts.
typically do.
Meanwhile, back here at Silver Lakes, we
Northern hemisphere festivities would like to extend a big thank you to
In this hemisphere, a Christmas in July everyone who supported the stalls and
celebration is deliberately ironic. The enjoyed the event with us. And thank you
July climate is typically hot and either so much to our events manager, Daleen,
sunny or rainy with thunderstorms, for arranging this lovely market and to
as opposed to the cold and snowy all the supporting staff. It was a day to
conditions traditionally associated with remember.
Christmas celebrations in the higher
latitudes of the northern hemisphere. See you at our next market!