Page 39 - Intra Muros November 2023 Issue
P. 39


                                        Q: How does this project differ from your   I think my fans will look forward to this
                                        previous works?                           unique and meaningful piece of art.
                                        A: The San people are famous for their respectful
                                        ways of hunting. It’s an honour to represent   We look forward to seeing more of
                                        this in my art. I’m taking extra care to study and   Bernie’s sculptures that echo the spirit and
                                        understand their hunting practices to portray this   rough beauty of Africa’s wilderness – not
                                        figure accurately and respectfully. This sculpture   just for today, but for generations to come.
                                         is not just a piece of art; its a tribute to the   In Bernie’s latest project that pays tribute
                                              hunting tradition of the San people.   to the Khoisan, we are again reminded
                                                                                  of how he strives to bring stories to
                                                                                  life through his works. They reflect the
                                                                                   artist’s deep appreciation for nature and
                                                                                   indigenous cultures.

                                                                   You can continue following Bernie’s extraordinary journey and
                                                                   explore more of his work on his Facebook page. You can also
                                                                   connect and get in touch with Bernie on LinkedIn.


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