Page 46 - Intra Muros December Issue 2023
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Home Services, Building          Personal Training – Available by two young   Talladega Auto Clinic – Bosch car service.
               and Maintenance              lady personal trainers for any age and fitness   Your  one-stop  vehicle  service,  repair
                                            level in the comfort of your own home or   and  diagnostic  workshop.  Please  call
        Dumisani  is  an  excellent  repairer  of  any   in  our  home  gym.  If  you  are  looking  for   Shane Wilson on 012 809 4472 or email:
        furniture piece! I can vouch for Dumisani   someone to hold you accountable, contact
        as  he  has  installed  kitchen  cabinets  for   us for more information on 061 073 5050.
        me,  he  has  repaired  furniture  and  has   Instagram: sk_fitclub.      Wood on Wheels – Braai Wood Delivery:
        his  own  carpentry  machinery.  Andrew                                   Wood  on  Wheels  offers  you  a  personal
        assists  him  with  paint  techniques  (even   Repairs  of  gates  and  garage  motors  –   delivery service of quality dry wood. With
        gold leafing) of furniture and has worked   Installation of cameras and new gate motors.   summer on the go, you can create a warm
        on  many  interior  projects.  Joe  Dlamini   Efficient,  professional  and  affordable   ambience with friends and family. Bosveld
        assists them with upholstery. He is a very   service. Please call Simon on 082 867 9451.  mix,  Namibian  Kameeldoring,  Firewood.
        competent upholsterer, and his prices are                                 Contact Mike on 082 082 0538.
        very reasonable. Contact 082 771 8800.  Minor  adjustments  and  alterations  to
                                            clothing.   Shortening   or   lengthening      AESTHETICS
        Furniture  repairs  and  riempies  –  Contact   of  curtains,  etc.  Contact  Marlene  on
        Fien on 074 899 6600.               083 290 0374.                         Upgrade  your  smile  game  –  Experience
                                                                                  a  one-hour  teeth-whitening  session  in
        Looking  for  somebody  who  does  small   Metro  Air  Conditioning  Services  (Pty)   a  tranquil  environment  in  Waterkloof.
        renovations?  For  a  quote  contact  Will   Ltd  –  Contact  Metro  Air  Conditioning   Dazzling  results  guaranteed  4-8  shades
        Ferreira on 083 463 9876.           Services  (Pty)  Ltd  for  all  your  air   lighter. Only R650.00.  Contact Edelweisse
                                            conditioning,   refrigeration,   ventilation   on 083 306 9108 to book your appointment.
        If you are looking for a hardworking and   and  extraction  needs.  We  supply,  install,
        reliable  worker,  I  can  highly  recommend   repair  and  maintain  all  air-conditioning   HOUSE AND PET SITTING
        Elias as he has many skills. He works as a   and  refrigeration  systems.  Call  us  on
        gardener,  and  he  worked  for  many  years   060  652  6061  or  visit  our  website:   I am available for pet sitting. I stay in Silver
        at  a  construction  company.  He  can  pave for more info.  Lakes. I have my own dog and I have been
        and paint. He has re-sealed and painted all                               looking after pets for many years. I charge
        my windows and much more. Call Elias on   Painting  and  waterproofing  –  Frans  is   R100  a  day.  I  give  food  and  water  daily.
        063 863 6074.                       an  excellent  painter  and  waterproofing   Contact Helen at 082 552 3418.
                                            specialist. Contact Frans on 084 677 3186.
        Irrigation  services  –  Repair,  installation,   For  a  reference  contact  Irma  on   Do you need a pet sitter? I will take care of your
        servicing  and  maintenance  of  irrigation   082 444 7368.               precious pets. Whether they need walking,
        systems for over 15 years in Silver Lakes.                                feeding,  a  clean  litter  box  or  medication,
        Big or small jobs welcome. Contact Jim on   Repairs and maintenance to swimming pool   I  will  take  care  of  it  for  you.  References
        084 308 1240 or 082 258 9437.       pumps. Contact Marlene on 083 2900 374.  are  available  if  needed.  Dependable,
                                                                                  affordable  and  available.  Contact  Ilza  on
        I can do DStv installation and extra view   Reliable painter available. Contact Seun on   067  962  1244  for  further  information.
        set-up, CCTV installation, Wi-Fi installation   072 663 9233.
        as   well   as   computer,   cellphone,                                   We  stay  in  Silver  Lakes,  and  we  would
        PlayStation,  TV,  printer  and  microwave   Renovations,  upgrades  and  maintenance   love  to  take  care  of  your  pets  when  you
        repairs. I custom-build desktop computers   – Izak du Plessis is a qualified builder with   need us. Day visits, sleep over or full day.
        and  repair  ‘dead’  laptops,  and  I  do   more  than  40  years’  experience  in  the   References available. Anytime, including in
        software   installation   and   network   construction industry. For any renovations,   December 2023. Please contact Monique
        configuration.  On-site  visits.  Efficient,   upgrades or maintenance projects – big or   on 083 375 0206.
        professional  and  affordable  service.  Call   small. Please contact Izak on 082 927 0054
        Henry on 067 839 1980.              or email:
                                                                                   If  you  would  like  to  advertise  in  the  Silver
                                                                                   Lakes Intra Muros Classifieds section, please
        Innothabi Projects and Services – Cleaning   RSP  construction  and  handyman  services   email Nicole at
        and  maintenance  services.  Consultations   –  Building  and  renovations,  plumbing,   by the 15th of every month. The Classifieds
        on  a  day-to-day  basis.  Please  contact   electrical,  tiling,  carpentry,  waterproofing,   section  is  only  available  to  Silver  Lakes
        Innocentia  Gcabo  on  083  814  2406  or   painting,  swimming  pools  and  more.   residents and there is no charge for residents
        email:     Affordable  prices  and  reliable  services.   to advertise here. Please include your Silver
                                            Call   071   011   6201   or   email:   Lakes stand number and contact details
        KJL Wood & Alu – Wooden doors, window   For   a   for  references.  This  Classifieds  section  is
        frames  and  decking.  Maintenance  and   reference call Dr P Jansen on 084 843 1130.  not for the use of businesses. If you would
                                                                                   like to advertise your business in the Silver
        restoration  as  well  as  new  installations:                             Lakes  Intra  Muros  magazine,  please  email
        doors,  window  frames,  pergolas,  decks   Swimming pool cleaning and maintenance   Martin Fourie at
        (wood  and  composite  decking).  General   services  –  Please  contact  Jacob  on   All Classified advertisements will be removed
        installations  and  custom  joinery.  Please   083 690 1063. For a reference, please call   monthly. Please inform us by email before
        contact Kobus Langeveldt on 074 615 8579   Marietha on 082 457 3770 or Heila on   the 15  of every month if you would like to
        or email       083 632 6639.                          repeat your previous advert.

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