Page 16 - Silver Lakes Issue 5 May 2023
P. 16
n March, the Silver Lakes Operations Site clearance update an unauthorised garden refuse dumping
team found that both Muirfield and In the previous edition of Intra Muros, area. This has now been stopped.
ILynwood security vehicle access gates we mentioned that our Operations team
required urgent attention – the security had embarked on a project to upgrade We began clearing the site with the help
spike strips needed to be rebuilt because of communal areas – specifically, Stand 1705 of Johan and his team from the Garden
failing infrastructure. in Hillside Street. Group. The area is still in the process of
being rehabilitated and will be upgraded
The maintenance team once again The HOA-owned stand was found to be and maintained in accordance with the
proved their commitment to keeping the overgrown with invasive vegetation and high standards reflected in the rest of the
estate fully functional by rebuilding and the site was being used by residents as estate.
strengthening this infrastructure in a short
We would like to thank our security
personnel as well as the residents, their
visitors and contractors for their patience
during the construction phases. We had to
close access lanes leading into and out of
the estate, which placed pressure on our Before After
security personnel working at these access
points. We also had to rely on our residents Sawgrass Park’s new outdoor gym using one’s body weight for resistance in
to be understanding and supportive. A new addition to the estate is the outdoor pull-ups, push-ups, squats, etc. Calisthenics
gym, situated within the Sawgrass Playpark. can provide the benefits of muscular
Thanks to you all for your co-operation. and aerobic conditioning in addition to
Calisthenics is a form of strength training improving psychomotor skills such as
that relies solely on one’s body weight and balance, agility and coordination.”
on gravity. This exercise regime originated
in ancient Greece, where athletes focused So, our new outdoor gym includes “battle
on sculpting their bodies by building their ropes” as well as open workout space for
functional strength. residents to practise these strength-training
Calisthenics is a major component of fitness
in athletics training, in military workouts We would like to thank the entire Operations
and in law enforcement. Many people also team for their hard work, commitment and
incorporate calisthenics into their daily dedication to every project undertaken and
fitness routine as home workouts. for ensuring that the estate is always well
According to Wikipedia, calisthenics aims
“to increase strength, fitness and flexibility Thank you,
through movements such as pulling, Walters Noordman
pushing, bending, jumping or swinging, Operations Manager