Page 6 - 2024-Issue-1
P. 6


                           MESSAGE FROM THE CEO

        Dear esteemed residents,             •  Faulty street light and golf course light   •  Upgrade of the Clubhouse camera:  By
                                              repairs:  Significant  progress  was  made   installing new cameras at the Clubhouse
        As we step into the new year, I trust this   in rectifying street light repairs, with 166   we aim to enhance security measures.
        message finds you in good spirits. Reflecting   street lights already repaired. Specialised
        on the strides made in 2023, I am thrilled   repairs in Gleneagles Drive are currently   Other endeavours:
        to provide an overview of the substantial   underway.                     Our  initiatives  extend  beyond  the
        progress  and  ongoing  projects  that  have   •  Main water valve line – Silver Lakes   infrastructure,  with  the  aim  of  elevating
        significantly impacted Silver Lakes Estate.  Drive:  Timely  repairs  and  fortification   the  overall  living  experience  within  Silver
                                              efforts  were  made  to  safeguard  one  of   Lakes Estate.
        Throughout the past year, the Silver Lakes   our  main  water  valves,  ensuring  the
        Homeowners  Association  (SLHOA)  has   uninterrupted supply of water.    •  Cellphone  mast/tower:  Progress
        remained  steadfast  in  addressing  critical   •  Road infrastructure upgrade project:   continues  with  plan  approvals  for
        concerns that have resonated within our   We’re in the final planning stages for the   cellphone  towers,  ensuring  improved
        community.                            comprehensive  road  upgrade  project,   connectivity for our community.
                                              commencing  in  January  2024,  that   •  Randwater water pipeline project:
        Municipal infrastructure:             aims  to  rejuvenate  14km  of  our  roads.   Noteworthy progress has been made in
        One of our key focuses involved extensive   Negotiations  with  Tshwane  continue  to   achieving the desired pipeline depths in
        collaboration  with  Tshwane  authorities  to   reduce initial costs.      the ongoing Randwater pipeline project.
        address infrastructure challenges within   •  Dams and rivers: Substantial efforts have   •  Game Reserve picnic area upgrade:
        our  estate.  Recognising  the  constraints   been made to curtail sewage spills and   The successful completion of the picnic
        faced  by  the  municipality,  we  established   address the growth of hornwort in our   area  upgrade  offers  residents  a  more
        a  co-operative  framework  that  harnessed   dams. Progress includes the installation   enjoyable space for leisure.
        Tshwane’s  labour  to  mitigate  costs,   of new pumps at Six Fountains and plans   •  Potential  upgrade  of  the  Clubhouse:
        fostering a mutually beneficial partnership.  to rectify issues at Silver Stream.  Plans to revitalise the heart of our estate,
                                             •  Ongoing  sewage  spills:  Pending   the Clubhouse, are underway. Proposals
        •  Pothole repairs: Our operational teams   approvals  for  sewage  pump  station   for redevelopment are being considered
          diligently repaired 131 potholes between   upgrades  and  environmentally  friendly   diligently.
          21  October  and  28  November  2023,   treatments  remain  a  priority  for  the
          ensuring safer roads within Silver Lakes   SLHOA.                       I  extend  my  deepest  appreciation  to
          Estate.                            •  Hornwort removal: The removal of   the  dedicated  SLHOA  team,  the  Board
        •  Road markings:  The  ongoing  efforts   hornwort from our estate’s dams and   and each and every resident for your
          to  enhance  road  safety  via  meticulous   streams will continue into 2024, ensuring   unwavering  support  and  understanding.
          markings  of  stop  signs,  traffic  circles   healthier  water  bodies  within  Silver   Your contribution has been instrumental in
          and  pedestrian  crossings  continue  to   Lakes.                       driving our progress.
          rejuvenate our estate’s infrastructure.
        •  Electrical box repairs:  Repairs  to   Security:                       As we embark on this new year, I extend
          electricity  meter  box  doors  and  latches   The safety of our residents remains   heartfelt  wishes  for  a  prosperous  and
          were  carried  out,  prioritising  resident   paramount.  Implementation  of  new   joyous 2024 to each one of you.
          safety.  We  urge  residents  to  ensure   software  and  plans  for  additional  traffic
          proper  closure  of  these  boxes  for   control  measures  are  underway  to  fortify   Yours faithfully,
          enhanced safety measures.          security.                            Dean Pretorius

                                           IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS

        HOA OFFICE                 EMERGENCY NUMBERS                  SECURITY
        Office hours: Monday to Friday   Security Control Room (24 hours)  Security Control Room (24 hours) 012 809 0424/5
        08:00 until 16:30          012 809 0424/5                     Bidvest Protea Coin Security from 18:00 to 06:00 weekdays,
        012 809 0142                                                  24 hours Sat, Sun and public holidays 072 615 5862     Boschkop Police      012 802 1087/4
                                   Netcare 911          082 911       GOLF
        Security access office:    Fire Brigade         10111         Pro Shop   012 809 0430
        Hours as above             Power Failure        012 339 9111
        Including first Saturday of every   City of Tshwane Call Centre   012 358 9999  CLUBHOUSE
        month from 08:00 until 11:00                                  Clubhouse   012 809 0281
                                   Water leaks:  Café 41   012 809 1571
                                   Street lights:  Takeaways   012 809 0431 / 012 809 1484
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