Page 45 - Intra Muros February 2024
P. 45

DOMESTICS                   My  domestic  worker,  Pinky  (Jostina)   Queen   is   available   immediately
                                              Mahlangu  is  looking  for  additional   throughout the week, except for Mondays
        Cindy  is  looking  for  two  days’  work  as  a   work  on  a  Tuesday  and  Friday.  She  has   and  Fridays.  She  is  an  experienced,
        domestic. She is available on Tuesdays and   been  working  for  me  for  six  years  and   hardworking  and  reliable  domestic
        Thursdays.  Cindy  is  fluent  in  English  and   is  trustworthy  and  reliable.  She  speaks   worker  who  can  work  independently.
        Afrikaans.  Great  references.  Call  her  on   English  fluently  and  is  immediately   She  also  has  a  background  in  child
        083 724 1873.                         available. Call Pinky on 076 867 4009, for   minding. Queen is friendly and can speak
                                              a reference call 083 230 0809.       both English and Afrikaans. Contact her
        Endless,  my  domestic  worker,  is  looking                               on 065 615 8581, or for a reference call
        for  work  in  Silver  Lakes  on  Wednesdays   Martha  Sibanyoni  is  urgently  looking   Laudi on 082 295 5992.
        and  Saturdays.  She  has  been  working  for   for  work  on  Mondays,  Wednesdays
        me  for  five  years  and  I  have  found  her  to   and  Fridays.  She  has  been  working  for   GARDENERS
        be  reliable,  hardworking  and  pleasant.  Call   us  for  the  past  30  months  on  Tuesdays
        her on 061 363 6031, or for a reference call   and  Fridays.  She  is  punctual,  reliable   Bongaini  is  looking  for  gardening  work
        083 327 4202.                         and  hardworking.  She  understands  and   four days a week. He is honest, reliable
                                              speaks  English  very  well.  Call  her  on   and  hardworking.  Please  call  him  on
        Helen  is  looking  for  domestic  work  four   073 937 6455, or for a reference call Petro   076  030  6666,  or  for  a  reference  call
        or  five  days  a  week.  She  speaks  Afrikaans   on 083 287 3554.        Hanlie on 083 760 0373.
        and  English.  She  is  very  good  with  elderly
        people  and  children.  Please  call  her  on   My dedicated domestic worker is not able   David Xaba, a South African citizen, has
        064 959 7302.                         to  sleep-in  so  I  can  no  longer  keep  her.   been working for us as a gardener and
                                              She has worked for me for nine months   handyman  for  many  years.  He  stays  in
        Jane Singa is looking for domestic work on   and  she  is  friendly,  bubbly,  dependable,   our  domestic  room  and  has  two  days
        Mondays,  Wednesdays  and  Fridays.  Her   hardworking,  reliable  and  honest.  She   available. He is hardworking, trustworthy
        husband is resident in Silver Lakes and Jane   desperately  needs  employment.  She  is   and  kind-hearted.  He  takes  care  of  our
        has  been  working  for  me  for  the  last  five   available Monday to Friday but will not be   garden  and  swimming  pool  and  can  fix
        years.  She  is  a  Malawian  citizen  and  has   able to sleep-in. Call her on 066 552 6410.  almost  anything.  He  also  takes  care  of
        a  pleasant  and  hardworking  disposition.  I                             our dog if we have to travel. Call Sanet
        have no hesitation in recommending her for   My  domestic  worker  is  looking  for   on 082 394 3584.
        work  in  the  estate.  Her  current  employer   additional  work  within  Silver  Lakes.  She
        is looking for someone full- time and she is   has been working for me for four years.   Elias is looking for extra gardening work.
        therefore looking for work three days a week.   She  is  always  on  time  and  is  the  most   He  tends  to  our  garden  and  swimming
        Call Jane on 078 272 3233 / Jane’s husband   trustworthy  individual  with  both  my   pool  and  is  up  to  any  task  that  needs
        on  078  690  7771  or  for  a  reference  call   belongings and my children. She is looking   to be done around the house. He takes
        Raymond on 082 451 6380.              to fill two days: Tuesdays and Thursdays.   initiative and does not require constant
                                              I  highly  recommend  her;  she  goes  over   guidance as he is very experienced. He is
        Juliet  Eligah  is  looking  for  additional  work   and above all her cleaning duties without   always friendly and reliable. Call Elias on
        in  the  estate  or  surrounds.  She  has  been   instruction or supervision. Call Samantha   064  788  6728,  or  for  a  reference  call
        working  for  us  for  the  past  two  years  and   on 066 476 8944.       Christine on 072 839 4140.
        we can only describe her work and services
        as  exceptional.  Highly  educated,  Juliet  is   My  domestic  worker  is  looking  for   Ephraim   is   available   immediately
        diligent,  reliable  and  trustworthy.  She  is  a   additional  work  for  Mondays  and   throughout  the  week,  except  for
        hard worker – thorough and highly organised   Thursdays. She is hardworking, neat and   Tuesdays  and  Thursdays.  He  is  a  very
        in  her  duties,  almost  to  the  point  of   can  work  without  any  supervision.  She   experienced  and  reliable  gardener,
        perfection. She is available on Mondays and   is available to start anytime. Call Winnie   with  a  qualification  in  landscaping.
        Thursdays. Call Juliet on 078 282 1893, or for   on 071 901 3837. Reference available on   Ephraim  can  take  initiative,  he  is
        a reference call Antoinette on 083 273 2737.   request                     hardworking,  friendly,  and  speaks
                                                                                   English  and  Afrikaans.  Contact  him  on
        Juliet  is  looking  for  part-time  work  on   Wendy stays in Mamelodi and is looking   078  497  7683,  or  for  a  reference  call
        Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. She is   for full-time or piece work, sleep in or out.   Laudi on 082 295 5992.
        clever, hardworking, experienced and works   She speaks Afrikaans and English. She is
        thoroughly.  She  speaks  English  fluently  and   experienced  and  has  good  references.   Frans is looking for gardening work four
        already has access to the estate. Call her on   Call her on 076 058 2072. For a reference   days a week. He is honest, reliable and
        074 471 3224, or for a reference call Biancé on   contact Shantel on 083 773 1925 or Gerda   hardworking with a good knowledge of
        063 674 9499 as Juliet is still working for her.   on 082 923 0284.        plants,  pests  and  landscaping.  Call  him
                                                                                   on 067 853 0170, or for a reference call
        Ivy is looking for work in Silver Lakes full-time   Winnie is looking for part-time domestic   Fréda on 082 553 0083.
        or part-time, sleep-out. She is hardworking   work  three  days  a  week.  She  works
        and  honest.  Call  her  on  074  300  5477.   in  Silver  Lakes  on  the  other  days.   John  Thwala  is  looking  for  extra
        References available.                 She  is  never  late  for  work  and  has  a   gardening  work.  He  is  a  hard  worker,
                                              pleasant  disposition.  She  is  always  able   very  experienced  and  reliable.  He
        Lindi is currently working in Silver Lakes three   to  finish  work  on  time  and  without   takes  initiative  and  does  not  require
        days a week and is looking for work on two   problems.  I  highly  recommend  her.  Call   constant  guidance.  Call  John  on
        other days in the week. References available.   her on 074 905 1469. Reference available   071  320  3097,  or  for  a  reference  call
        Call her on 072 031 4110.             on request.                          Gesine on 071 766 5037.

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