Page 43 - Silver Lakes June 2024
P. 43

DOMESTICS                 Martha has worked for us in Silver Lakes for   Theresa  is  looking  for  additional  work  on
                                            three years as a cleaner and does ironing   a  Saturday.  She  has  been  looking  after
        Cynthia  is  looking  for  two  days’  additional   once a week. She is an excellent cleaner, well   my  75-year-old  mother,  she  is  not  just  a
        work,  on  Tuesdays  and  Fridays.  She  has   organised  and  thorough.  She  is  very  reliable,   housekeeper but a professional caregiver. She
        been  working  for  us  for  the  last  two  years   has access to our home when we are away, and   can work without supervision and is reliable
        and  we  are  very  happy  with  her  work.   we always come back to find it clean and tidy.   and competent. Call Theresa on 074 558 0074.
        She is originally from Zimbabwe but has been   Martha has a quiet personality, she is honest,   References available on request.
        living legally in  SA  for  more  than  10  years   focused  and  diligent.  She  works  through  the
        now  and  has  been  working  in  Silver  Lakes   home  methodically  and  arrives  early,  before   Valery is looking for work Monday to Friday,
        since 2009. Cynthia speaks very good English,   07:30am  and  is  never  late.  Martha  currently   live-out.  She  is  looking  for  full-  or  part-time
        is  always  in  a  good  mood  and  is  friendly,   works for four homes in Silver Lakes, including   work. She worked for me for five years, she
        hardworking, trustworthy and honest. She is   ours, and needs to fill another day in the estate.   is good, honest and hardworking. Call her on
        also good with children and pets. Call Cynthia   She is highly recommended for anyone looking   064 727 2284, or for a reference call Christine
        on  063  179  9879,  or  for  a  reference  call   for a good cleaner once a week. Call Martha on   Theodosopoulos on 073 347 1177.
        060 816 5538.                       073 476 6980.
                                                                                  Virginia  Boshoma  has  been  working  with
        Domestic  worker  Semia  is  looking  for  a   Martha Sibanyoni is urgently looking for work   our  family  for  almost  five  years,  as  we  are
        position in Pretoria East and surrounds. She   on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She has   moving, she is looking for a new family in or
        does cleaning, washing and ironing. Call her   been working for us for the past three years on   outside Silver Lakes. She cleans and does all
        on 064 429 8171.                    Tuesdays and Fridays. She is a punctual, reliable   the laundry and ironing. She is hardworking,
                                            and  hardworking  person.  She  understands   punctual,  reliable,  trustworthy  and  loyal.
        Ida is looking for domestic work in and around   and  speaks  English  very  well.  Call  her  on   There  has  never  been  any  issues  with  her
        Silver Lakes on a live-out basis. She is friendly,   073 937 6455, or for a reference call Petro on   at  all.  She  is  available  full-  or  part-time
        reliable and hardworking. She will never leave   083 287 3554.            starting  immediately.  Please  call  Virginia  on
        my house untidy or any jobs unfinished. She                               072 906 0372.
        speaks  English  well.  She  has  access  to  the   Meet  Ednah  Nyebiko,  your  next  dependable
        estate.  Our  needs  have  changed,  and  we   domestic  worker!  With  three  years  of   Winnie is looking for part-time domestic work
        now require someone to live in. Call Ida on   dedicated  service,  Ednah  is  now  seeking  full-  three days a week. She works in Silver Lakes
        074 641 2883, or for a reference call Nicole on   time  employment  in  Silver  Lakes.  Diligent   on the other days. She is never late for work;
        084 528 0985.                       and hardworking, she has never missed a day   she has a pleasant disposition and is always
                                            of  work.  Her  cleaning  skills  are  impeccable,   able  to  finish  work  on  time  and  without
        Ideth is looking for domestic work, Monday to   and  she  takes  initiative  with  ease.  Available   problems. I highly recommend her. Call her on
        Friday. She is also an excellent caregiver. She is   Monday  to  Friday,  Ednah  is  a  joy  to  have  in   074 905 1469. Reference available on request.
        fluent in English, softly spoken, hardworking,   any household. Don’t miss the opportunity to
        patient, reliable, experienced and always on   welcome her into your home. Call her on Ednah   GARDENERS  GARDENERS
        time.  Call  her  on  079  803  1447.  References   062 455 3565.
        available.                                                                Alfred is looking for gardening work for an
                                            My  domestic  worker  is  looking  for  work  in   additional  working  day.  He  is  a  self-starter,
        Judith is looking for work in Silver Lakes. She   Silver Lakes and surrounds, three days a week.   hardworking  and  trustworthy  and  fluent  in
        is  available  every  day;  she  can  do  washing,   She is hardworking and can work without any   Afrikaans and English. His vacancy arose with
        ironing and all the household work without   problems. Please call Winnie on 071 901 3837.  a  family  member  emigrating.  Call  him  on
        supervision.  Call  Judith  on  084  657  8884.                           081 844 2050, or for a reference call Francois
        References available on request.    Our  brilliant  domestic  worker  is  looking  for   on 083 258 7372.
                                            additional work on Saturdays. Not only is she
        Lihna  has  been  working  for  us  for  the  last   extremely  reliable  and  competent,  but  she   Bongaini  is  looking  for  gardening  work  four
        13  years.  She  is  reliable  and  a  hard  worker.   also works independently and goes above and   days a week. He is an honest and hard worker.
        She  is  always  at  her  post.  She  is  quiet   beyond what is required. She is also a qualified   Call him on 076 030 6666, or for a reference
        and  caring.  She  is  looking  for  work  on  a   elderly  caretaker  as  well  as  a  childminder.   call 083 760 0373.
        Wednesday.  For  a  reference  call  Magriet  on   References   are   available   on   request.
        083 556 4763.                       She is working in Silver Lakes and has an   Eddie  is  looking  for  additional  work  on  his
                                            access card in place. You’ve tried the rest, now   off day. Eddie is great at painting, varnishing
        Liesbet  is  looking  for  domestic  work  on   try  the  absolute  best  (by  far!).  Call  Susan  on   wood, cleaning and gardening. He also assists
        Tuesdays and Thursdays. She works hard and   063 461 6173.                with  minor  maintenance  when  needed.
        effectively and is experienced. She is friendly,                          Please call Eddie on 065 568 1966.
        honest  and  a  very  fast  learner.  Please  call   Our  domestic  worker,  Seipati,  is  looking  for
        her on 076 677 1992, or for a reference call   additional  work  on  Tuesdays  and  Fridays.  On   Innocent  is  looking  for  extra  gardening.
        Barbara on 083 447 7244.            the other three days she is already working in   He takes very  good care of our garden and
                                            Silver Lakes. Please call her on 079 251 0497.  swimming  pool  and  is  happy  to  take  care
        Lindiwe is looking for domestic work in Silver                            of  anything  that  needs  to  be  done  around
        Lakes. She is available on either a Tuesday or a   Patience  is  available  for  work  on  Tuesdays   the  house.  He  is  originally  from  Zimbabwe
        Thursday. She is friendly and reliable. Call her   and  Thursdays,  sleep-in  or  out.  She  has  been   but  has  been  living  legally  in  SA  for  more
        on 072 031 4110.                    part  of  our  household  for  many  years  and   than 10 years now and has been working in
                                            is  hardworking,  reliable  and  trustworthy.   Silver  Lakes  since  2006.  Innocent  doesn’t
        Margaret Senanya Legodi is looking for   References  available.  Please  contact  her  on   need constant guidance as he is very good
        domestic work on a Monday in Silver Lakes.   078 514 1511.                at  what  he  does  and  takes  initiative.  He
        She currently works and stays on the estate                               speaks  very  good  English,  is  always  in  a
        during the week. She is friendly, hardworking,   Selah  Manda,  a  Malawian  citizen,  is  looking   good  mood  and  is  friendly,  hardworking,
        punctual, reliable and uses initiative. Call her   for  additional  work.  She  is  trustworthy,   trustworthy  and  honest.  Call  Innocent  on
        on 072 528 4935, or for a reference call Carol   hardworking and experienced. She has a legal   073  214  0555,  or  for  a  reference  call
        o’Brien on 082 955 6205.            work permit. Please call Selah on 068 857 8762.  060 816 5538.

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