Page 23 - Intra Muros March 2024
P. 23


                              FROGGING ADVENTURE

                                       Presented by Wentzel Pretorius and Paola Vimercati

              n February 24 , we embarked on   evening.  A  crimson  moon  rose  above  us,   magical atmosphere. Although our quest to
              a frogging adventure that brought   casting a mystical glow over the landscape,   find the frogs may have been unsuccessful,
       Otogether both kids and adults for    while  curious  crabs  emerged  from  their   the experience was filled with wonder and
        an  evening  of  exploration  and  discovery.   hiding places to investigate our activities.  excitement.  As  we  made  our  way  back,
        The anticipation was high as we gathered                                  we couldn’t help but feel grateful for the
        for  a  frog  presentation,  delving  into  the   Above  the  water,  fireflies  danced  in  the   opportunity  to  connect  with  nature  and
        fascinating  world  of  amphibians.  We   night sky, their twinkling lights adding to the   witness its beauty firsthand.
        learned  about  the  various  types  of  frogs,
        their unique habitats, and the remarkable                                 Looking  ahead,  we  eagerly  anticipate
        adaptations that enable them to thrive in                                 our  next  frogging  adventure  at  phase  3,
        diverse environments.                                                     determined to explore a new location and
                                                                                  hopefully encounter our amphibian friends
        Equipped  with  gumboots  and  nets,  the                                 in their natural habitat.
        children eagerly awaited the chance to
        encounter these elusive creatures in their
        natural  habitat.  As  we  ventured  towards
        the water, the tranquil setting of the golf
        course dams provided the perfect backdrop   CLICK HERE
        for our expedition. The night was alive with
        the melodious calls of the Painted Reed
        Frog, serenading us from the reeds as we
        made our way along the water’s edge.

        Despite  our  best  efforts,  the  frogs
        remained   elusive,   teasing   us   with
        their  elusive  presence.  However,  our
        disappointment was quickly overshadowed
        by the enchanting sights and sounds of the

                       Frogs can only survive
                       in freshwater habitats
                          that keep their skin
                      moist for survival, which
                     is why they live in or near
                        ponds, lakes, streams,
                              rivers or creeks.

                                                                                        INTRAMUROS MARCH 2024 | 21
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