Page 49 - Intra Muros May 2024
P. 49


        The Wealth Money                     My Favourite                         Anton Rupert

        Can’t Buy                            Mistake                              The Life of a Business Icon
        By Robin Sharma                      By Marian Keyes                      By Ebbe Dommisse

        ‘This  book  is  about  a  completely  new   Anna  has  just  lost  her  taste  for  the   The extraordinary life of tycoon and
        philosophy  and  methodology  of  success   Big  Apple…  Anna  has  a  life  to  envy.  An   philanthropist  Dr  Anton  Rupert  is  told
        and  wealth  that  we  are  not  schooled,   apartment  in  New  York.  A  well-meaning   in  full  in  this  updated  version  of  the  top
        trained or even encouraged to consider. But   (too  well-meaning?)  partner.  And  a  high-  selling biography.
        one that will bring us sustained happiness,   flying job in beauty PR. Who wouldn’t want
        personal  freedom  and  lasting  internal   all that? Anna, it turns out.   This is the story of a Karoo boy who grew
        peace.’ – Robin Sharma                                                    up during the Depression, struggled to find
                                             Turning a minor mid-life crisis into a major   money  to  study  science,  and  then  made
        In  a  world  fixated  on  the  conventional   life event, she bins the lot, heads back to   good  as  a  businessman,  spectacularly
        notion  of  success  –  marked  by  relentless   Ireland, and gets a PR job for a super-high-  so,  reaching  the  Forbes  list  of  the  500
        hustle,  sacrificing  wellbeing  and  missing   end coastal retreat. Tougher than it sounds.   wealthiest people worldwide.
        out on cherished moments with loved
        ones  in  the  pursuit  of  fame  and  material   Newsflash: the locals hate it. So much so,   Unlike  Harry  Oppenheimer,  Rupert  was
        possessions  –  Robin  Sharma  introduces  a   there have been threats – and violence.   no  heir,  neither  did  he  make  his  millions
        paradigm shift. In The Wealth Money Can’t                                 from  mining.  His  Rembrandt  Group  of
        Buy,  Sharma  rewires  our  perception  of   Anna,  however,  worked  in  the  beauty   manufacturers  became  known  across  the
        wealth to include not just financial success,   industry.  There’s  no  ugliness  she  hasn’t   globe, owning brands like Cartier, Dunhill,
        but seven other essential forms of wealth   seen.  No  wrinkle  she  can’t  smooth  over.   Rothmans  and  Montblanc.  Within  a  few
        too:  Growth,  Wellness,  Family,  Craft,   Anna’s  got  this.  Until  she  discovers  that   decades, a family dynasty was built, making
        Community, Adventure, Service.       leaving  New  York  doesn’t  mean  escaping   the  Ruperts,  next  to  the  Oppenheimers,
                                             her mistakes.                        the richest family in Africa.
        Filled  with  powerful  life  lessons  and
        practical  tools,  The  Wealth  Money  Can’t   Once upon a time she’d had a best friend.   This compelling book, based on extensive
        Buy  will  help  you  to  stop  chasing  the   Once upon a time she’d loved a man. Now   research,  does  justice  to  a  South  African
        wrong kinds of riches and set you on a   she has neither. And now she has to face   icon  whose  life  contains  invaluable
        transformative  path  towards  a  truly  rich   them. We all make mistakes. But when do   business  lessons.  Anton  Rupert’s  insights
        and abundant life filled with joy, peace and   we  stop  making  the  same  one  over  and   into  job  and  wealth  creation  are  today
        freedom.                             over again?                          more relevant than ever.

        Price: R405.00                       Price: R385.00                       Price: R405.00

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