Page 4 - Intra Muros January Issue 2025
P. 4


          ESTATE NEWS                                          GARDENING
          Message from the CEO                          4      Garden of the Month                           26
          2024 Silver Lakes Annual Residents Survey     8      Replacing plants                              28
          Get to know your Silver Lakes App: HELP DESK   10
          Donations collected – A heartfelt thank you   12     LIFESTYLE
          Easy steps to recycling in the estate        13      Restaurant competition                        25
          Golf course utilisation and rules            14      Keeping your pets safe in hot weather: Walking tips   32
          Ladies Golf News                             16      Include paper books in your reading diet      34
          Silver Lakes Christmas Light Competition 2024   21   Interior Décor and Design Trends              37

                                                               CLASSIFIEDS                                   43

        SILVER LAKES          CONTRIBUTORS                     EIA PUBLISHING OFFICE Tel: 011 327 4062 -
        27 Muirfield Boulevard,   Silver Lakes HOA  Elize Malan  PUBLISHER Nico Maritz -
        Silver Lakes,         Silver Lakes Directors  The Garden Group  EDITOR Nicole Hermanson -
        0081                  Dean Pretorius                   SALES MANAGER Martin Fourie - 072 835 8405 -
        PO Box 11106,         Alida Kromhout                   ADVERTISING SALES Gerdie Murphy - 082 556 9863 -
        Silver Lakes 0054     Nienke Moolman                   PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Chris Grant -
        Tel: +27 12 809 0142  Daleen du Plessis                GRAPHIC DESIGNER Adele Gouws -
                                       Note from the Editor

                       A WARM WELCOME TO 2025!

             he new year always holds a sense   Welcome to the first edition of Intra Muros   engaging  content  throughout  the  year.
             of  promise  and  possibility.  It’s  a   for 2025! We hope this year brings wonderful   It’s  the  shared  commitment  to  the
        Ttime when we feel most optimistic   opportunities and growth for everyone in our   greater good and caring for one another
        - telling ourselves, “Things can get   community. With the holiday season now a   that  strengthens  a  community  –  and
        better,”  and  resolving  to  make  changes   distant memory, our schools are busy helping   makes living in Silver Lakes all the more
        both  personally  and  professionally.  Yet,   students  settle  into  their  routines  and  get   fulfilling.
        as  January  progresses,  we  often  find   ready  for  the  academic  and  extracurricular
        ourselves  slipping  back  into  the  familiar   programs ahead.            Until next time, take care, and enjoy the
        routines – the traffic, our busy schedules,                                 final weeks of our beautiful summer!
        and even old habits. And so, we hop back   We’re  excited  to  share  this  edition  with
        on the treadmill and continue on our way.  you and look forward to bringing you more   Nicole Hermanson

        Intra Muros is a monthly magazine of the Silver Lakes Homeowners’ Association (NPC). It is intended for the residents of Silver Lakes. It is published on behalf of the SL HOA by Estates in Africa (Pty) Ltd. Articles printed
        in the Intra Muros, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the SL HOA or the Estate, the publisher, nor of the companies themselves. Neither the SL HOA, nor the publishers can be held responsible for the quality of
        the goods and services advertised in the Intra Muros. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.
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