Page 31 - Waterfall City Issue 12 2022
P. 31

Should you ever find yourself in

                                                              a situation, which requires you to

                                                              perform life-saving CPR, simply

                                                              call Netcare 911’s Emergency

                                                              Operations Centre on 082 911

                                                              for visual and audio guidance.

        actions to perform CPR correctly on the   of the patient remotely, which can be   time to save the heart and brain by
        patient at the scene.”              significant for clinical decision-making   keeping the blood supply moving
                                            and help in the co-ordination of    around the patient’s body, which can
        “Thanks to the visual element of the   resources to evacuate the patient using   improve outcomes exponentially.”
        two-way video link, the caller can more   the most effective transport modality
        accurately follow the CPR technique   available.                        The Netcare 911 live video link
        required, while our ‘CPR coach’ provides                                telehealth service is provided through
        informed and detailed feedback to   THE CONFIDENCE TO SAVE              the secure Netcare VirtualCare
        the caller to guide their CPR efforts.   A LIFE                         platform, with all data encrypted
        In this way, it is possible for the caller   “Through this easy-to-use service,   to protect the caller, ensure patient
        to replicate the CPR actions, with the   we hope more South Africans will   privacy and protect confidential
        necessary depth and rate of chest   gain the confidence to get involved   information. Using the platform does
        compressions to keep the patient’s   in assisting a person in need of life-  not require an App to be downloaded
        blood circulating to their vital organs   saving resuscitation. It is less daunting   and it is very user-friendly, and secure.
        until professional help arrives on the   to attempt CPR if you can copy a
        scene,” she says.                   professional’s actions, and all the time   “In emergency medical situations,
                                            the caller is being encouraged and   applying technology in this innovative
        The video link furthermore makes    coached through every step to help   way can help to save many more lives
        it possible for the EOC coordinators   ensure they are doing it correctly, even   and motivate more South Africans to
        and healthcare practitioners to do a   if the caller has had no prior training,”   lend a hand with ‘hands only’ CPR if the
        more detailed immediate assessment   Ramduth adds. “This can buy precious   need arises,” Ramduth concludes.

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