Page 32 - Waterfall City Issue 1 2023
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        Grow healthy, pesticide-free

        leafy greens all year round

        L     aunched in 2017, Homefarm was established to    of arable, outdoor land, and it can enable farming to be

              bring small-scale indoor farming to mainstream
                                                              done all year round, without interruption or the need for
              consumers and commercial markets, through
              the development and dissemination of rapidly
        deployable, fully automated food farming systems.     It has been eight years since this unique idea was first
                                                              conceived. Business registration followed, and then
        It stems from a simple idea. No more popping into the shops   marketing. Today Homefarm offers a variety of products,
        to buy salad greens, herbs and microgreens. Instead, you   each with its own yield capacity and customer in mind.
        simply open the door of your Homefarm unit (similar in size
        to a microwave oven), trim off leaves from your homegrown,   The Homefarm Appliance is suitable for domestic kitchens
        pesticide-free leafy greens, chop them up and serve. And it’s   and is a fully automated indoor garden capable of growing
        healthier and more environmentally friendly!          organic, pesticide-free, leafy produce all year round. With
                                                              a 1kg yield per month, Homefarm is the first product of its
        When he founded Homefarm, Michael Currin believed     kind able to grow enough produce to cater to its user’s need
        there was an opportunity to offer easy-to-use and visually   for fresh leafy greens. You can look forward to a continuous
        attractive indoor farming systems for home use to the   supply of herbs daily, or 20 lettuce heads or 24 trays of
        consumer market. Initially addressing the needs of urban   microgreens per month. Prices for this unit start at R8 499.
        households with the Homefarm Appliance, the business has
        expanded its reach and product range by offering indoor   The Homefarm Commercial System is a compact, fully
        farming systems to consumers in peri-urban environments   automated indoor farm that can grow a wide variety of up
        and to businesses via the Homefarm Commercial Unit.   to 48 edible crop plants at a time. The Commercial Systems
                                                              are vertical farms and take up as little as one square metre
        GREAT IDEAS                                           of floor space. They enable businesses, ranging from
        “The idea came to me when I was studying for my Masters of   restaurants, lodges and corporate cafeterias to food retailers,
        Design in the UK in 2014. I was researching ways to provide   to offer their customers the freshest produce possible, whilst
        more people with access to highly nutritious and healthy   saving on food miles, packaging and refrigeration. While the
        foods and to enable more people to grow it themselves   small unit has a yield of 5kg per month, the large unit can
        and become more self-sustainable,” says Currin. “The idea   yield up to 15kg. This system is available to purchase or rent.
        of Homefarm was born, but the business only got going
        in 2018. It was found that indoor farming was an efficient   The Homefarm Nano is the latest garden to join the
        way to grow more of the foods we eat closer to where we   Homefarm family, putting fully automated indoor farming
        consume them. Indoor farming can be done despite lack   at your fingertips for only R3 899. It has been designed for

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