Page 38 - Waterfall City Issue 1 2023
P. 38
Waterfall City Education
From Classroom to Boardroom, opportunities abound
T he education profession has “Where previously, teachers would understanding the material being
come a long way in the last few
mostly be headed to a classroom for
taught, how it is being taught, the
the duration of their career, with only
decades with the growth of the
setting in which learners are being
private education sector and,
unique and capable of excelling when
whereas previously, career options for a handful being promoted to heads of taught, and the fact that each learner is
department, deputy headmaster or a
graduates were limited, prospects now principal, they now have a wide range working with a qualified teacher, says
abound, an education expert says. of options on top of teaching including, Mokotjo.
but not limited to, instructional
“Because graduates are in demand design, tutoring, coaching, school “Teachers play a vital role in shaping
both domestically and abroad, management, educational consulting future generations. Schools of
teaching credentials have grown in and the option of joining the world education therefore must be focused
popularity. The teaching profession’s of private corporate education. on preparing dynamic and skilled
career development has also adopted a Additionally, there is also great demand teachers that will be able to enjoy
new perspective in which teachers can for qualified South African teachers a lifelong and successful career in
move up the ladder, from being school abroad,” Mokotjo says. education, by equipping them for the
mentors to leadership positions, such 21st century classroom.”
as becoming the vice chancellor of a The way future teachers should be
university,” says Dr Lindiwe Mokotjo, prepared has drastically changed as a It is therefore imperative that prospective
Head of Faculty: Education at The result of the expansion of the teaching education students ensure they vet their
Independent Institute of Education. profession. The transformation includes chosen institution and qualification
36 Waterfall City Issue 1 2023