Page 35 - Waterfall City Issue 10 October 2023
P. 35



                                      Why bulls like water

                                      By Maria Gerondoudis, a clinical hydrotherapist who works closely with Waterfall Sports
                                      Orthopaedic Surgery and several medical practitioners in the Greater Johannesburg region.

        H       ere’s a phenomenon that’s   anti-inflammatory drugs, which enable   exercise, which involves moving a joint

                commonly observed: after
                                            the individual to continue using an
                                                                                through its existing pain-free range.
                                            unstable or degenerate joint.
                                                                                Through repetition of movement,
                competitive combat, bulls
                seek water. Whether a bull
                                                                                gently challenged. Movements are
        comprehends the multitudinous       Prior injuries can predispose the   the limits of the pain-free range are
        benefits of water is questionable and   joint to osteoarthritis, and the pain   initially unresisted and then progress
        of little relevance. What the bull knows   experienced in this condition is mainly   to resisted actions once the pain and
        is that countless bulls before him   due to arthritic changes that occur   range of movement improve.
        have used it and that the immersion   within the joint.
        gives him respite from the weight of                                    Movements are initially slow and there is
        his body – the swirls soothe his aches   The Geron Hydrotherapy technique is   a large focus on maintaining alignment.
        and pains, movement is looser and   a therapeutic approach that draws on   Speed is increased as the strength and
        easier, and he can exhale safely.   various hydrotherapeutic methods,   pain-free range increase with time.
                                            such as aquatic remedial exercise and
        Perhaps I have stated the obvious, but   aquatic bodywork. It follows a defined   The remaining 30 minutes is spent on
        often, what seems simple, natural and   sequence and set of protocols. It   the passive phase of the treatment.
        familiar is far more complex than we first   requires that the body (not the head)   This involves the patient lying in a
        assume. The same goes for water in its   be immersed in thermoneutral water.   supported floating position while
        simplicity, familiarity and complexity.   It uses the mechanical and thermal   the therapist works on the patient’s
                                            effects of water, together with active   body. The patient is kept buoyant
        To explain what Geron Hydrotherapy   and passive techniques, to address   with specialised floats under the
        is, I will use a physical condition as an   both the acute and chronic symptoms   head and legs. This ensures that the
        example. I’ve selected arthritis, the   that present in the recovery and   muscle groups are relaxed. There is
        inflammation of one or more joints.   maintenance of osteoarthritis.    also a specially designed head pillow
        Symptoms of arthritis include pain,                                     that provides neutral alignment. Both
        swelling, warmth, redness of overlying   Treatment takes one hour. Typically,   pillows and floats are adjustable for
        skin, and diminished range of joint   30 minutes is spent on remedial   different sizes, buoyancies and ages.

        I have narrowed my selection down to
        osteoarthritis as it is the most common
        form of arthritis that develops in
        sportspeople. It often occurs because
        of incorrect training methods or the
        overuse or abuse of analgesics and

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