Page 15 - Waterfall City Issue 11 November 2023
P. 15

Security                            throughout Waterfall City, as well as   Landscaping and
        Safety is not just a key focus at   134 surveillance cameras with number   Water Management
        Waterfall City, it is one of its main   plate and facial recognition abilities. In   Landscaping, water filtration/treatment
        pillars. By employing the latest security   the CBD, 400 cameras, panic buttons   and water protection are also some of
        technologies, along with tactical   every 200m and street lighting on   the key common services Waterfall City
        response teams, Waterfall City aims to   backup power ensure peace of mind   pays careful attention to.
        provide a luxury money cannot buy:   for everyone.
        peace of mind.                                                          Flooding and erosion control are
                                            The idea is to focus on the prevention   significant challenges when it comes
        Safety and security are prime drivers   of crime rather than on investigation   to stormwater management in any
        behind estate living, and Waterfall City   after perpetration. Keeping Waterfall   development. One of the ways in
        continues to focus on creating what can   City safe is a critical focus.  which Waterfall City has mitigated
        be considered a ‘criminally unfriendly’                                 this is by building nine attenuation
        area to ensure that the development is as   Did you know? Waterfall City Security   dams that have become part of its
        safe as possible not only for its residents,   currently reads more than six million   130ha greenbelt. There is a large
        but also for everyone working here.   vehicle number plates a month. From   attenuation dam within the Waterfall
                                            these reads, it receives more than 500   Country Village Estate and there are
        With a fully integrated security system   alerts a month, which typically include   17 smaller ones across the rest of the
        that includes access control at every   vehicles that are involved in a police   development. These carefully designed
        residential estate, business park, major   investigation, form part of the crime   civil structures blend into the natural
        retail centre and logistics precinct, as   database, or are flagged for driving   landscape and play a critical role
        well as a 24/7 surveillance and reaction   recklessly (for example, speeding)   in controlling the flow of rainwater
        service on our roads, all supported by   within Waterfall City. In an emergency,   throughout the development.
        a state-of-the-art central management   residents of Waterfall City can use
        office, it’s clear that Waterfall City takes   the Emergency Contacts feature   In addition, a number of specific
        its safety procedures seriously.    on the Go Waterfall App to call the   species of fish have been introduced to
                                            relevant estate’s security control room.    the main dam to support the natural
        Additional measures include 24-hour   Waterfall City will soon have a 24-hour   process of keeping it healthy and
        patrolled security and CCTV cameras   security number for the entire precinct.    creating a thriving ecosystem.

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