Page 44 - Waterfall City Issue 11 November 2023
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Waterfall City Classifieds

        MEDICAL SERVICES                    HYPNOSIS                            ELECTRICIAN
        AUDIOLOGY/HEARING                   22 Steps                            Taylor Electrical       0861 102 174
        Hearcare Waterfall Hearing    011 304 7920  Lee-Anne        081 282 0461  Domestic, commercial, industrial,    083 380 9512
        and Balance Clinic                  Make positive changes. Gain greater control of your   compliance certificates, energy saving.
        Free hearing screenings. Home visits in Waterfall   life. I can help you with anxiety and stress, exam
        City estates. Rooms: Waterfall City Netcare Hospital.   stress, fears, weight loss, stop smoking, addictions,   FLOORING                  emotions/grief, relationship issues or self-confidence.  Top Carpets and Floors Kramerville
                                                                                Jay                     082 498 9894
        OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER    PET CARE                            Nontombi                064 519 4887
        Occupational Health Medical    082 862 7892   Animals Matter   082 445 8422   Wall to wall carpets, vinyl, laminates, turf, blinds
        Screening (Red tickets) and Travel Clinic  Animal Behaviourist (COAPE qualified DipCABT).  and rugs. 2nd Floor, 9 Kramer Road. Contact Jay or
        Address: 181 Bekker Road, Vorna Valley,    Is your dog/cat displaying a behavioural problem   Nontombi or email:
        Midrand. Booking is essential:      such as aggression, anxiety, fear, constant barking,   Blue Pearl Procurement (BPP)   060 929 4201   separation distress, feline scratching, inappropriate
                                            elimination or fighting? Then understanding why   We are suppliers and installers of premium decorative
                                            they do, is the first step in the behaviour modification   tiles, travertine, marble tiles, natural stone cladding,
        OPTOMETRIST                         programme. Please contact Jeanette Furstenburg.    mosaics, and more. Our team handles each
        Specsavers for affordable eye care, contact our   Email: for a   project with care and will provide you with a price
        experienced team.                   consultation.                       range suitable for every budget. Call us or email:
        Mall of Africa           010 612 6440                         
        Optometrists Marlize Joubert and Monica Naicker   PET & HOME SITTERS
        Book online:   Happy at Home           082 335 5096  GARDEN & POOLS SERVICES
                                            An elderly couple with several years of experience   Crewcut Gardens & Pools
        VETERINARY SERVICE                  will care for your precious pets in the security   Peter     082 450 1111
        Midrand Veterinary Hospital   011 315 1575 /   of your home. We have contactable references   Mark    082 789 7916
                                071 047 7172  (Dainfern, Kyalami Estates, Fourways Gardens,   Weekly garden and pool maintenance. We build new
        Premium companion animal care. Enhancing the   Waterford Estate etc). Henry and Deidre Email:   pools or remarbelite old ones. Suppliers of all pool
        unique relationship between you and your pet  spares, including pool pumps. Contact via email:
        through uncompromising care and service.                       or or  Pet/Home Sitter   076 035 6908
                                            Why leave your pets alone and away from   GAS SUPPLY SERVICES
        GENERAL SERVICES                    home. Leave them in their own loving home.   Falcon Gas     073 818 3532
        BABY AND CHILD CARE                 Mature Lady fills the gap. Contact Dee-Jean at   Try our exceptional service for your LPG cylinder,
        Call Sarah Austin        071 135 9996              refill/new cylinder supply. We comply to all Estate
        Available in the Waterfall City area. Sarah has 15 years’               Safety & Security regulations. Free delivery to your
        experience in baby and child care and she has   PET GROOMING            home or business within Waterfall City.
        recently moved to Waterfall City. She is available on   Soapy Smooches Mobile Pet Groomers  Email:
        a full-time/part-time/ad hoc basis. References/CV           061 087 8247
        available.                          We come to you! Pamper your pets at home in our   LOCKSMITH
                                            fully-equipped pet parlour on wheels. BOOK NOW -   Brad’s Lock and Key   082 854 9898
        CLEANERS                              All locks opened/fitted/replaced    011 802 4114
                                                                                Also doors fitted/motors repaired/security gates
        Crisp and Clean          083 378 3331                                   custom-made. All work done by myself on-site.
        Door-to-door, taking the hassle out of cleaning   RESTAURANTS           websites:
        laundry, dry cleaning, upholstery and carpet cleaning.  Mio Col’Cacchio Waterfall    010 596 8941
        Mr Delivery Midrand      011 315 2926  Lara Ramos           082 480 6716  Waterfall Maintenance Guy    082 569 3962
                                            Specialising in both child and adult disorders.    Have you been neglecting your home maintenance
        FINANCIAL SERVICES                  Email:        during lockdown? We are fully operational for garden
        Discovery Financial Consultants                                         services to painting, paving, tiling, plumbing etc. Call
        Marisa Cook              083 468 6466  TUTORING                         Udesh for excellent prices, professional service and
        Certified financial planner. I can assist individuals and   Maxi Brain Tertiary & Secondary Tutor 079 693 7190  advice. Email:, or visit
        businesses with life and risk cover, local and offshore   Economics & management sciences subjects, for more info.
        investments, personal and commercial insurance, gap   bridging classes, private & groups.
        cover and opening Discovery bank accounts. Please                       PAINT & BUILDING SUPPLIES
        contact me or email:  TYRES                     Colour Creations        011 466 0065
                                            Supa Quick              011 466 3813  Paint, hardware, plumbing and building suppliers in
        HEALTH AND WELLNESS CARE            Kyalami Boulevard                   Kyalami.
        Divan du Toit Biokineticists   082 707 2068
        Waterfall Virgin Active             HOME SERVICES, BUILDING & MAINTENANCE,   PLUMBERS
        Email:   APPLIANCE REPAIRS                   Sandton Plumbers        083 460 9870              ARCHITECT                           Maintenance & Construction experts. Over 36 years’
                                            Drawbox Design Studio    082 339 5834  experience. PIRB Registered & Solar Certified Installer.
        HOME CLEANING SERVICE               The Leader in providing sustainable building
        Clean My Bed                        solutions. Contact Carlu Swart.     PROPERTY MAINTENANCE
        Jonathan Akal            069 797 6370                                   Carl Allan Property Maintenance   082 740 2356
        Clean My Bed is a medical grade, deep clean   BUILDING                  Based in Waterfall City. We take care of all your
        sanitising service that removes dust mites and pet   Care Construction and Paving    011 469 4300   maintenance: steelwork, carpentry, painting and all
        dander to help with allergies.      Ian                     083 250 3736  related repair work. Contact Carl Allan.
        Email: or    We specialise in new houses, additions and   Email:
        visit:           alterations, paving, painting and all your building
                                            requirements, no matter how big or small. Over   REFUSE REMOVAL
        Clean My Space ZA        076 251 2263  30 years’ experience.   Mr Rubbish cc    011 807 5200 / 082 571 6134
        We are a Domestic Cleaning Service offering peace   Email:  Garden refuse & junk removals, complexes & private
        of mind to homeowners. We exist to ensure that                          wood chipper hire.
        household chores do not interrupt your already   DRAIN MAINTENANCE
        busy calendar. Book us daily, weekly or monthly   SirDrain   011 454 3534 / 083 231 5809  WATER SURVEYING
        on our website:, or   Call us for professional cleaning and unblocking of   Aquaview Technologies    082 475 8875
        WhatsApp 076 251 2263. If you prefer to speak to   drains, using a drain machine or rods.  Reduce the cost of drilling a borehole by knowing
        a human, call us on 076 251 2263. Clean My Space                        EXACTLY how deep to drill. We offer a scientific
        ZA is based in Kyalami and services the Waterfall                       approach to water detection for boreholes. We can
        City and Kyalami areas.                                                 assist you with a professional survey. Call for a quote.

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