Page 11 - Waterfall City Dec 2023_Jan 2024 Issue
P. 11
Community spirit Close to nature
If there was one event that highlighted If you walk quietly through the
the resilient nature of South Africans, greenbelt areas, you should spot a
it was the recent Rugby World Cup. wide variety of animals. The springbok,
The spirit of unity and community was steenbok and blesbok are thriving, and
perfectly captured at Waterfall City, the development hopes to add more
where over 6,000 fans watched the duiker in 2024.
Springboks beat the All Blacks at the
Fan Park at Mall of Africa, while almost Says Vos: “One 2023 achievement that
1,200 residents watched the game at we are very proud of is the publication
the upgraded The Falls restaurant in of our Waterfall City Field Guide, which
Waterfall Country Village Estate. documents practically every living
creature here. The idea began thanks
“It was wonderful to feel that sense of to residents at the retirement villages
community, and even better that we who were sharing their flora and fauna
won!” adds Vos. sightings.
“Waterfall Management Company
collated their work into a Field Guide,
although naturally, it’s already out
of date because soon after it was
published, a bunch of new wildflower
species popped up! Then some Lesser
Flamingos appeared at the dam, and
Sparrow-weavers were spotted, adding
to the 245 species of birds that visit our
Electronic updates to the Field
Guide will be made available every
year. Residents who would like a
printed copy can send a request
with their name and address to
Country Village Clubhouse
The Falls Restaurant
Waterfall City Issue 12 2023/Issue 1 2024 9