Page 35 - Waterfall City Dec 2023_Jan 2024 Issue
P. 35

Gazania rigens (Treasure flower)  Crassula ovata (Jade plant)  Lampranthus aureus (Golden vygie)  Watsonia borbonica (Bugle lily)

          warms up. Your mulch will decompose   of chlorophyll is to absorb energy   atmosphere, making it a contributing
          over time. When this happens,       from light. Direct solar radiation   factor to climate change.
          nutrients are deposited back into the   from the sun for prolonged periods   7.  Rain barrels: Collect rainwater during
          soil, which improves its structure and   can result in the breakdown of   wet periods to use during the dry
          nutrient-holding capacity.          chlorophyll, especially when the    spells. This is a sustainable source of
        3.  Drought-resistant plants: Choose   temperatures are high. This, in turn,   irrigation.
          drought-tolerant plants that have   causes the plant to wilt, lose colour
          adapted to hot and dry conditions.   and weaken. In conjunction with dry
          Endemic plants are often a good     soil, this threatens the health of the
          choice. Xerophytes are plants that   plant. Thus, shade and keeping soil
          can survive with little water. Here is   saturated are key.
          a list of plants that you may want to   6.  Soil improvement: Improve the
          incorporate into your garden:       quality of your soil with organic
         •  Gazania rigens (Treasure flower)  matter like compost. This helps to
         •  Crassula ovata (Jade plant)       retain moisture. Soil saturation is
         •  Lampranthus aureus (Golden vygie)  important to keep plants thriving
         •  Watsonia borbonica (Bugle lily)   throughout the impending harsh    8.  Pruning and deadheading: Remove
        4.  Group plants by water needs:      climatic conditions. Because of the   dead or wilted flowers and excess
          Arrange your garden so that plants   soil’s ability to retain moisture, the   foliage to reduce water loss through
          with similar water requirements are   frequency of needing to water your   transpiration. Deadheading and
          grouped together. This allows you to   garden will be reduced, making it   pruning also promote growth.
          water more efficiently.             useful in terms of water conservation.   9.  Monitor plants: Keep a close eye
        5.  Shade and shelter: Provide shade                                      on your plants for signs of stress, and
          for sensitive plants using shade cloth   Compost also has other         water if needed. Do not overwater as
          or other structures. This reduces   environmental benefits outside of   this can lead to root rot.
          the stress from intense sunlight.   your garden. Composting lowers    10.  Water conservation: Target the root
          Chlorophyll is a green pigment found   greenhouse gas emissions such as   zone of your plants, reducing water
          in the cells of plants. The function   methane. Methane is harmful to the
                                                                                  wastage. Rather water deeply as
                                                                                  opposed to frequently. This is because
                                                                                  when water is applied quickly, a lot
                                                                                  may be lost to run-off. Watering too
                                                                                  quickly and frequently results in
                                                                                  the growth of shallow root systems,
                                                                                  which are a lot more vulnerable in hot
                                                                                  and dry conditions. Deep watering
                                                                                  is key to encouraging the growth of
                                                                                  desirable, deep root systems.

                                                                                Don’t let the upcoming climatic
                                                                                conditions get the better of your garden.
                                                                                Use these tips to keep your plants alive
                                                                                and healthy.

                                                                                 Waterfall City Issue 12   2023/Issue 1   2024  33
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