Page 11 - Waterfall City Issue 3 March 2023
P. 11

Eight time winner of Best Mixed-use Development in South Africa and Africa - Waterfall City

        judged based on criteria ranging    realise the vision and to honour the   City. This progress is only possible due
        from design layout and quality,     values that are fundamental to every   to a dedicated team’s commitment
        architecture, services and security to   aspect of Waterfall City.      and hard work.
        innovation, originality, marketing and
        commitment to sustainability.       “Reclaiming the title of Best       “I am honoured to form part of
                                            International Mixed-use Development   this team and I extend my thanks
        Over and above scooping this        is just reward for our continued efforts   and congratulations on this award
        prestigious international accolade,   and something we are extremely    to everyone involved, including
        Waterfall City also garnered the    proud of. We are honoured to receive   my colleagues, all our role players,
        regional title of Best Mixed-use    this international recognition, which   partners, shareholders and individual
        Development in Africa for the eighth   once again puts Waterfall City and   residential investors.
        time.                               South African property development
                                            on the world stage.                 “With big plans already set for 2023,
        This follows another win for Waterfall                                  we look forward to the year ahead and
        City, which came late last year, when   “Each year, I am amazed by what we   the continued success of world-class
        it was declared Best Mixed-use      have been able to achieve at Waterfall   Waterfall City.”
        Development in South Africa, also for
        the eighth time.

        Awards are split into four sectors –
        Architecture, Development, Interior
        Design and Real Estate – across nine
        regions covering Africa, Asia Pacific,
        Arabia, Canada, Caribbean, Central
        and South America, Europe, the UK
        and the USA. Over the past year, a
        panel of over 90 independent expert
        judges studied and assessed more
        than 2 000 entries from 126 countries
        to finally arrive at the World’s Best

        “Building a world-class smart city
        of this nature is certainly no small
        feat,” says Willie Vos, CEO of Waterfall
        Management Company. “It takes a
        concerted and cohesive effort, with all
        role players and stakeholders moving
        in unison in the same direction to

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