Page 30 - Waterfall City Issue 3 March 2023
P. 30

Waterfall City News

        auto-immune disorder that can affect
        multiple organ systems in the body.

        What is the cause?
        We do not know the exact cause of lupus.
        We do know it is a multifactorial disease,
        an interplay between genetic, hormonal
        and environmental factors.

        What is the treatment?
        Antimalarials have numerous benefits,
        including controlling skin rash and
        arthritis, and reducing the risk of flare-
        ups and the risk of developing end-
        organ damage.

        Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
        medication helps with pain control.
        Low-dose Prednisone for the shortest
        duration possible helps to control
        arthritis quickly.                  The rash can affect different parts of the body

        What can one expect with
        lupus? Can you die?                   applied daily to the face and body.  contraception.
        Patients with lupus have an increased   2.  Immunisations as mentioned earlier   7.  Plan your pregnancy. Pregnant lupus
        risk of heart attack, infection and   should be done. Infections should   patients have an increased risk of
        malignancy, particularly cervical     be treated timeously as the infection   maternal and foetal complications.
        cancer. Thus, we need to monitor for   may cause flare-ups, and vice versa.  However, this risk can be minimised
        hypertension (high blood pressure),   3.  Stop smoking. Smoking is implicated   if your disease has been inactive for
        diabetes mellitus and dyslipidaemia,   as one of the environmental risk factors   six months prior to conception. It
        and manage these accordingly.         of lupus. Smoking has been shown to   is also very important to continue
                                              cause more severe disease, so stopping   antimalarials (chloroquine or
        Flu and pneumococcal vaccines are     this habit can improve the efficacy of    hydroxychloroquine) during
        recommended for all patients with     treatment with antimalarials.       pregnancy. Certain medications – for
        rheumatic diseases. A vaccination   4.  Avoid skin trauma, especially tattoos   example, mycophenolate mofetil –
        against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is   and skin piercing.                must be stopped before conception
        also strongly recommended for women   5.  Ensure the regular monitoring   as they may cause abnormalities in
        under the age of 45 to prevent cervical   of your condition by your       the foetus.
        cancer. Pap smears should be done     rheumatologist.
        annually or every three years to screen   6.  Patients with mild to moderate   Outcome
        for cervical cancer.                  disease may use contraceptive pills   Athena responded well to treatment
                                              with oestrogen for birth control.   with Prednisone, which was stopped
        One may get a flare-up of lupus despite   However, patients with severe   within three months. After a year of
        treatment. We recommend the following:  disease and antiphospholipid    remission of the disease, Athena fell
        1.  Avoid sun exposure. A sunscreen   antibodies should avoid it. An intra-  pregnant, carried full term and gave
          with an SPF of 30 to 50 should be   uterine device is a better choice for   birth to a healthy baby.

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